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      Jaehyun drove the car. He parked right in front of the apartment building that belonged to Doyoung.

"Ok we're here." Jaehyun sighed as he turned to face the rear seats. Doyoung was clutching onto Taeyong's shirt while softly dozing off into his own world

       Taeyong lifted the small boy up careful not to hurt him,

"Is he ok?" Jaehyun asked the older to make sure the boy wasn't getting hurt.
"Seems like he is"  Taeyong responded bluntly.

      When they arrived to Doyoung's apartment door the realized it was locked.
"Damn where is the keys?" Jaehyun whispered yelled

           Taeyong reached for Doyoung's ass. Taking the Keys out of the pocket. Taeyong waves the keys in front of the younger males face.

"Here you dumbass, open the door." Jaehyun flinched when Taeyong aggressively threw the keys at him, luckily Jaehyun caught the keys before it hit him in the face.

     "Jeez calm down." Jaehyun replied

      Jaehyun complied with the door knob. When the successful brought Doyoung inside his best small cozy apartment they put the smaller in his bed. Taking a look around

    In a box in the far Corner caught Jaehyuns and Taeyong's eyes.
   "Get it" Jaehyun brought the Boz and set it down in front Of Taeyong

   The box was heavy and was full of stuff. Taeyong opened the box and he was shocked, there was a bunch of Slutty clothing in there. Such as Garter belts, chokers, Stockings, lace panties, booty shorts, Leather pants and shirts. And many more. But what really caught their attention was bunny lingerie set. It came with a carrot vibrator and cute black bunny ears. White and black crop top with some white fuzz on the bottom. White lace panties, pearly choker and black and white garter belt. A black striped stocking with the 'Bunny Slut' imprinted in gold bold letters.

     They were shocked. They knew it would look amazing on Doyoung.

   Speaking of the smaller, he was shifting. Lazily opening his eyes seeing the two already going through his stuff. Embarrassment washed over him. He felt so ashamed of having such dirty items placed in his tiny cozy home

    "Your awake." Taeyong's voice brought him out of a trail of thoughts.

     "Um y-yea" Doyoung stuttered trying to maintain  his body and thoughts

    "You seem....stressed." Jaehyun teased.
  "N-no I'm not." Doyoung stuttered once more.

       Taeyong walked closer to Doyoung with the bunny lingerie in his arms.

     "See, this is what we want you to wear. Well we gotta go, see you later Slut." Jaehyun pulled  Taeyong away from the small structure.

         To say something Doyoung opened his mouth just for it to be muffled by Jaehyun's soft lips against his. It was a sweet gentle and delicate kiss. Full of lust and care not rough and need. It was a kiss that Doyoung enjoyed.

        Taeyong held Doyoung by his waist. Pushing the foreheads together. Pecking Doyoung's lips again and again and again. Making Doyoung flustered with each small pair of movements that sent sparks and happiness

        "We will see you later" Doyoung nodded when they closed the door.

    Doyoung felt his heart thumping fast. Emotions pilling in his pit of his stomach. Making him feel butterflies and nervousness. Hoping if this was a dream. He doesn't want to wake up.


  The next day at school Doyoung arrived in a great mood to great for Sicheng's liking.

  "What is it?" Doyoung squealed
   "You seem to be happy. Are you sure you don't have any good news?" Sicheng was taking this as a sign as if Doyoung was pregnant

  "Bitch- anyways yesterday Taeyong and Jaehyun kissed me like humans. Not like, angry needy beasts" Doyoung said making Sicheng fake puke.

"Shut up, I watched your livestream and you were moaning About Yuta." Doyoung tsk-Ed

             "Well...about us. Me and Yuta are kinda dating?" Sicheng said making Doyoung clamp a hand over his mouth.

   "He stole my virginity!" Sicheng said among Doyoung fake faint

        Yuta came at the exact moment. Pushing through people and girls screaming his name. He went to Sicheng. Wrapping an arm around his waist kissing him deeply. Sicheng was so surprised he let out a squeak. Closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around the latter's neck making the kiss deeper than it already is.

     Cheers and gasps were heard. Roars of laughter and cheers loud as thunder.

"He is mine. You all need to back away from him" Doyoung mentally whimpered at how Yuta growled that, even though Yuta was his Best friend's boyfriend he was still getting submissive and aroused from his dominance.

            Sicheng and Yuta walked off. Together hand in hand. Doyoung smiled sadly at the two. 'I wish I had that kind of relationship, but just some Random fuck up'

              Doyoung entered the empty bathroom before classes started.

   Wiping away a few stray tears that dangled from his eyelashes. A quiet sob escaped his lips. His whole body became weak to his knees. A wave of anxiety washed over him. His insecurities stared to come down at him

"Your not enough"
    "You will never be able to win their hearts"
  "You are ugly"
  "Fat ass"
   "Ugly ass"
     "Annoying ass"
    "Why don't you whore around with someone else?"
   "Who livestreams themselves getting horny?"
   "Eww your gay!"
    "Being gay is a sin!"
  "I bet he doesn't even love you"
"He is using you!"
   "He has better people than you"
  "Why would he date you?"
"Why would you think you'll have a chance with them?"
  "Your voice is so ugly and it makes my ears bleed"
  "I would rather kiss a fish then you"
  "You look like a dumb whore"
"Haha bunny teeth"
"Your so fat"
   "You think you look pretty? Please you are the most ugly thing in the world."
  "No one can be as ugly as you"
"Haha aw your gonna cry?"
"Boo hoo"
"Are you going to cry to your mom?"
  "I bet your mom is disappointed in you"
"Your family disowned you"

"STOP!!!" Doyoung cried.

     Sobs got louder. Doyoung curled up into a ball and cried. And cried all he could do was cry. He couldn't do anything

All he can do is cry and take it.

Take the pain.



   Sooooooo.. 6 more chapters.
This is going to be my first ever Successful book I've made in my brain cell time limit.

What book do y'all think i did best in?

Have an amazing day like always!

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