Twenty - Two

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After witnessing the conversation Jaehyun and SungChan had Taeyong finally had the courage to speak up after the dramatic scene.

"Um so what were you saying about Doyoung?" Taeyong asked his voice echoing throughout the silence.

"He was frustrated about his own thoughts. He felt hurt when you guys only used him and tossed him into the pile of people you played with." SungChan explained

      "That's why, he was overwhelmed about his feelings he completely ignored his own health issues, he even passed out sobbing" Jaehyun and Taeyong felt a guilt pile up in the pit of their stomachs.

"He's at his apartment now, with Sicheng Hyung or Jeno." SungChan said
"We'll go see him. Eat ok?" Jaehyun said ruffling the younger's hair

SungChan nodded as Jaehyun gestured Taeyong to come get up.


The two started driving. As Jaehyun drive Taeyong looked outside
"I feel so bad jae. I honestly don't think he is going to forgive me or us" Taeyong said. Stealing a glance at the younger

     "Honestly, I don't think he wants to see our faces again." Jaehyun chuckled pulling into the apartment building parking lot.

          "Let's give this a try." Jaehyun said taking a deep breath before walking out of the car.

     "Yea." Taeyong said

       Once as the two opened the door to the apartment that was unlocked there he saw Sicheng feeding Doyoung who looked visible weak. As Doyoung had puffy eyes his arms were trying to carrying his weight on the couch as Sicheng spoon fed him.

   "J-Jaehyun? T-Taeyong?" Doyoung said his teary eyes looking up at the two making Sicheng snap his head toward them.
     "What are you doing here?" Sicheng asked coldly. Venom evident in his voice.

   "Sicheng,be nice" Doyoung said
   "Sorry, now tell me why are you two here." Sicheng said once again his voice being calmer than before.

    "We came here to see Doyoung" Taeyong said stepping closer to the couch as Sicheng gave him a small scoff.
       "Why would you?" Sicheng asked his cold rude voice coming back.

     "We felt bad. We wanted to check in. We heard from SungChan what had happened." Taeyong said once again trying to touch Doyoung's legs but befor he can make any contact with the small male Sicheng snapped and moved the older's hand away.

     "Felt bad for what?" Sicheng asked raising an eyebrow.
         "For everything" Jaehyun admitted

       "That's not going to cut it"
    "For everything we've done since the beginning. From when we've first met to even a few hours ago" Jaehyun said looking at Doyoung's eyes who was avoiding his gaze.

       "I'm sorry Jung, that's not available to you at the moment. There is no way I'm letting you guys get close to my best friend if you are going to hurt him again" Jaehyun and Taeyong were taken aback from the sudden action from the male.

           "S-Sicheng." Doyoung said holding tightly in his friend's hand.

      Doyoung looked physically weak. He held onto Sicheng's hands softly caressing the younger's skin with his thumb. Helping him calm down.
    "I-it's fine." Doyoung said rubbing his thumb over the knuckles of Sicheng.

    "No it's not" Sicheng made it clear

      "Give them one more change Doie and it'll ruin your life" Sicheng snarled
    "Hey! We can prove ourselves if you guys actually wanted us too!" Taeyong outraged

    "Then do it. I'll leave in come back in 40 minutes and if Doyoung is still in a condition like this I'll murder both of you by my own hands" Sicheng warned

        After that there was no argument which was Sicheng's sign to leave once as the door closed the two males stared guilty at the small boy who was hugging himself.

    "Doyoung." Jaehyun called out softly.

     The small boy didn't move a muscle which worried the younger. He approached Doyoung hugging his waist protectively. Doyoung flinched but was still enjoying the warmth the two bodies radiated.

       "Im sorry" Taeyong spoke
  "I'm so stupid. I haven't realized how lucky I was that I had you that I could talk too. Although you gave me many chances you never gave up on me. Although, I'm bad inside and out you still loved me. Now I want to Make sure you feel comfort in my arms" Taeyong adds with a small hug wrapping his arms around the boy's torso.

       "I'm also very sorry"
    "I really was so dumb that I haven't realized that you were all that I needed. All that would've made me happy. That made me happy." Jaehyun said softly

    "Well you dumb shits are lucky I still love you otherwise I wouldn't forgive you" Doyoung said mumbling it softly.

     "We love you more"


3 more chapters sad I know. So guys these last chapters will mostly have some fluff scenes in it because I always have a small fluffy ending to a HAPPY book.

So anyways thank you for reading yes this was shorter than planned

Also have a great day!

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