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The next day Doyoung was wearing a white sweater and black ripped jeans. He wore the black frame glasses. He styled his hair and headed out. He mentally cursed himself for using the most effective vibrator. He was basically whimpering.

"Fuck. Why does it hurt so much~" Doyoung said wanting to cry.

Doyoung made it to school. Barely. He walked in and went straight (gay) to his locker ignoring the world around him.

"Woah Doie. You ok?" Sicheng asked
"Y-yeah. But..." Doyoung started
"But what?!" Sicheng asked worriedly.

"I shouldn't have went live yesterday...." Doyoung told the younger.
"Doie...I shouldn't have either but here I am. Don't be sad come on let's get to our Lockers before 'they' come." Sicheng said patting Doyoung's back.

When Sicheng said 'they' they meant the superior 5.

    But before they could even move they heard. They heard the squeals and the talking. Doyoung quickly grabbed Sicheng's hand and started to dash down the hall to get to their lockers.

  When they got to their lockers they saw.........SungChan.

"Hyung...why are you out of breath? Are you ok?" SungChan asked softly
   "We are fine. We just can't stand The 5" Doyoung replied.

  SungChan hummed.

   "Who are they anyways? And what are they known for?" SungChan asked

    "Oh. They are Jung Jaehyun Lee Taeyong Johnny Suh Yuta Nakamoto and Ten Lee." Sicheng explained.

   "They are known for being playboys and fuck boys. They are literally disgusting. I can't stand them. And they catch everyone's breath because of their ugly ass looks." Doyoung spat.

   SungChan giggled at how Doyoung's choice of words rolled off his tongue.

"I,uh. Need to tell you something. Well no one else knows. And I guess I can trust you..." Doyoung nodded alongside Sicheng with SungChans sentence
"I am....Jung Yoonoh's younger brother." SungChan announcement shocked the two boys.

"A-are you also like him?" Doyoung asked his breath hitched
"No,I used to. But I realized that's wrong when I met you Hyung." SungChan spoke.

"Can we really trust you now?" Sicheng asked feeling betrayed
"It's your choice,if you want too. If you don't." Oh. SungChan really made this their decision.

"You know,we hate them. But I really think we could give you a chance to prove to us that you aren't like your brother" Doyoung boldly stated

SungChan's eyes lit up.
   "I promise. I ain't like that" SungChan stated as he smiled.

      That's when Jaehyun and Taeyong took their mini stroll to see Doyoung. Jaehyun glared at SungChan before walking off while Taeyong took way too long staring at Doyoung.

   "Fuck. Why is he staring at me like that?" Doyoung whispered to Sicheng.


                During class Doyoung was screwed. He had no one who he considers as friends in his class. But this time he had all of the superior 5.

    "So you guys will be doing a project in groups" the teacher announced. Everyone cheered thinking they'll be choosing partners.
    "But I'll be making he groups." That made the students go silent.

      "First off: Mingyu and WonWoo."
     "Johnny and Ten"
     "Changmin and Younghoon"
     "Lisa and Rosè"
     "YeonJun and SooBin"
     "Yuta and Yuto"
       "Baekhyun and Chanyeol"
     "Jaehyun,Taeyong and Doyoung" Doyoung stopped listening when he heard that. His whole word around him froze. Why couldn't he be partners with anyone else?!

        The bell rang. Doyoung felt like actually crying.
   "So..Doyoung." He felt a hot breath on his neck.
"Yes?" Doyoung gulped

  "Let's do the project at yours. My younger brother will be moving in my house and Taeyong doesn't like guests over." Doyoung nodded.

   "I'll text you my address..." Doyoung mumbled
  "If you have our numbers." Jaehyun chuckled

    "Oh r-right. My number is xxx-xxxxxx" Doyoung mumbled a blush laid on his cheeks.

       "Thanks sweets" Taeyong said making Doyoung want to cringe so hard.

          'Fuck this shit. I'm going to kill myself really..' Doyoung thought.


Short chapter yes will I give a short preview for the next chapter yes

Preview of next chap:
"Taeyong...he isn't replying let's just go to his house it's not like we care about privacy anymore"
    "A~ah a~ah shit f-fuck.—-"

Hello guysss....I know sorry it's a short chapter. But tomorrow hopefully I'll update or........I'll just leave this as it is to leave y'all on a cliffhanger y'know.

Have a good day

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