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         Doyoung woke up again from another round of a short slumber. He looked around to see he was already dressed and no one was beside him. He looked around and got up. His ass did hurt a bit but he was fine.

He went downstairs to see Jaehyun sitting on the couch he Taeyong cooking.

"You're awake." Jaehyun smirked.
Doyoung nodded. Doyoung went over to the other and sat on his lap.

"Still a Slutty baby." Jaehyun cooed.
"Only yours daddy." Doyoung mumbled

Jaehyun knew that if they were making this deal Doyoung would be Obedient. Doyoung doesn't even know why he is acting like this. He can't be developing feelings for the two. Right?!

      "Breakfast is ready." Taeyong announced. The two got off the couch and made their way towards the dinner table.

    When they were eating breakfast it was quiet. Until:

    "I'll leave after breakfast." Doyoung's soft voice was above a whisper.
    "Did we say we are done with you yet?" Taeyong said. A smirk finding it's way to play on his lips.

    Doyoung gulped and shook his head 'no'. He heard Taeyong chuckle bitterly before Taeyong adverted his attention back into eating. Jaehyun just kept quiet in situations like these. He only talks if he needs to. And right now,he doesn't.

         When they were done eating breakfast Doyoung didn't really know what to do. So for reference he went into the room where he awoke. In there was many naughty things but not as much as Doyoung. He had: 6 different flavors of lube. 9 pack of condoms. Lastly, he had things like gags and blindfolds and handcuffs. Doyoung felt turn on while seeing all these things .

   He used these things before. So it wasn't anything new. When he looked around he noticed that this room wasn't Taeyong's bedroom. It was an 'sex room' Doyoung would call it. He was too busy looking around that he didn't even notice the upcoming presence of the two.

        Doyoung flinched when he felt arms around his waist. Doyoung gulped and turned around to meet Jaehyun's hunger gaze from the door frame and Taeyong's evil gaze in front of him.

    "Strip for us. Now. Take off everything. Get on your knees on the bed. Me and Jae will be back in a few to see if you've completed these tasks." Taeyong said as Doyoung nodded eagerly.

    The two males exited the room. Doyoung took off everything that he had on. He got on his pale knees on the soft mattress.

       "Let's go harsh on him. Let's use the gag and the handcuffs." Doyoung heard Jaehyun's voice. Hearing that made Doyoung excited and a bit hornier than he already is.

   The two males came back inside the room. Taeyong got the black gag that was laying in his drawer beside him. He came close to Doyoung and put the gag inside the younger's mouth. He clipped the ends at the back of his head.

   Jaehyun brought the baby blue fuzzy handcuffs and brought Doyoung's hands together and put the handcuffs on him.

           Jaehyun and Taeyong practically ripped their clothes off. Doyoung let out a purr that was barely heard.

      Taeyong pounced on the younger his knees on each side of the younger's thighs. Doyoung's back arched and made him tumble on his backx so know Taeyong had a better view of his prey.

   "You like this. Huh slut? You like this so much. You want us to destroy you right?" Taeyong said as he bit down on Doyoung's neck. While Jaehyun joined by kissing on his neck softly down to his chest licking it. Licking Doyoung's nipples as well,

    "You look so fucked out already and we've done nothing yet. You would cum right? So weak. So fragile. So subtle. So gentle. Yet a big slut." Jaehyun smirked.

         Doyoung moaned.

       Kink unlocked: slut Shaming kink.

           Doyoung was in this situation. His legs spread wide. His screams were muffled and blocked by the gag. His words were bubbled. His body was feeling weak. He wanted to touch himself but his hands were locked up.

      Jaehyun coated his dick with Strawberry + blueberry lube. He aligned his dick to the entrance of
Doyoung's hole. He pushed in roughly making Doyoung scream. Doyoung was so close of coming. His voice was getting lost. His screams were dying down as Jaehyun started thrusting up slowly. But the sound got louder with each thrust.

       Taeyong joined in. He pushed this cock in. Doyoung was screaming. Tears brimming his beautiful eyes.

       Doyoung choked on a sob when he shot out cum. He could finally breathe. The two males came but it wasn't enough for them. Each thrust got more messier than before. Lewd squishy noises could be heard. Making this 10x hotter than it already is.

   The other two males were enjoying such a scene. Doyoung looked like he passed out already. Each thrust was messier and messier.

    The cum spilling out of the smaller's hole. The two males pulled out letting out a pool of cum. The started cleaning up but didn't undo the handcuffs. They decided to let Doyoung keep the gag and the handcuffs on. With that they left the room to do some work.

Doyoung is really cute


So guys another chapter yay!!! I hope y'all like it.

This was supposed to be a fluff chap but oh no!


Have an amazing day from a new username: LilBunnyDoie

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