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After what seemed like an lifetime. It was lunch. Doyoung made his way to the cafeteria and sat down with His table. Sicheng,Kun,Jeno,Jaemin,Haechan. Mark and Jisung. Chenle and SungChan were on their way.

Doyoung softly gave out the lunch that he made. Which was Ramen with extra spicy sauce on top. Soon he saw SungChan. SungChan was coming just to get stopped by a swarm of girls.

"SungChan..would you like to sit with us?" One girl fluttered her eyelashes making A pout on her face.
"No thanks,I've already got somewhere to be. They'd be waiting. Excuse me." SungChan said as he pushed through the girl to sit beside Doyoung.

"So guys this is SungChan" Doyoung smiled
"Hi I'm SungChan nice to meet you" SungChan flashed them a smile.

"Hi. I'm Sicheng."
"Hi I'm Kun nice to meet you SungChan."
"Hello! I'm Jaemin nice to meet you."
"I'm Renjun."
"Hi,I'm Jeno."
"My name is Jisung."
"Hi! I'm Chenle."
"My name is Haechan. It's nice to see you."
"Hi it's Mark"
"And lastly you know me already" Doyoung said softly

"Wow. In my old school,I haven't really got anyone to be my friend. They only liked me for my looks. It was cruel." SungChan said
"We can be your friends".Doyoung smiled at what the others said.

SungChan smiled before eating. During lunch they exchanged smiles,giggles and laughter.

Yet in the distance not so fair away 2 devilish eyes burned holes through Doyoung.

              Doyoung was walking in the hall. Empty hall. He was going to a student council meeting. He was going up the stairs but froze when he heard familiar voices.

    "So what? Jaehyun your fucking brother is here now." Doyoung heard Taeyong's voice he recognized that cold venomous voice anywhere.

   "Psh it's not like he is gonna do a thing. Besides I don't fucking care about shit," Jaehyun's mocking voice echoes through the empty halls.
     "Sure,Sre you guys afraid that he'll take all the fuckers?" Johnny's annoying ass voice was making Doyoung's ear bleed mentally.

     "Well he ain't talking shit. Have y'all seen how girls were obsessing over him?" Doyoung  cursed himself. He heard the voices getting louder. Indicating that they getting closer and closer.

      But before Doyoung could retreat. He heard the annoying mocking voice.
   "Where do you think your going?" Jaehyun's cold mocking voice,was stern and strict. Doyoung slowly turned to meet their eyes. The three out of five boys.

    "N-nothing. I-I was just going to the s-student council meeting." Doyoung mumbled. He mentally killer himself for stuttering. Especially in front of Taeyong.

      "Oh really? But it seems like you've been listening In our conversation...hmm what a bad boy we've have here..." Taeyong spoke. His voice was colder than ice.

     Doyoung felt his eyes sting with tears. He was frighten. Yes,he hates them. But that doesn't mean he isn't scared of them!

     Taeyong stepped closer to Doyoung. Doyoung took a step back. Taeyong took another large step closer. Doyoung took a small step back. Unknowing the wall behind Doyoung,his back hit it. It was a perfect time for Taeyong to pin that boy.

    Taeyong took that opportunity to cage him between his arms. Yes,Taeyong was an it shorter than Doyoung but he was rather very scary compared to Doyoung.

       Taeyong leaned in. His breath tickled Doyoung's sensitive neck and ear. Breath fanning over the boys ear. Face as a red tomato. Breath hitched. Tears were stinging. God he was a mess.
  "Next time if you try to listen in to our conversations. I guess we'll have to punish you for eavesdropping. Understood?" Taeyong said his hit breath blew on the younger males face making him shiver and nod quickly.

   "Good. Now get out of our sight." Taeyong said his voice still cold as before. Doyoung didn't need to be told twice.

   He quickly escaped them. Making the others chuckle.

   "Fuck this is so much fun,teasing the fuck out of him. Cant wait to see him break"


      School ended fairly early due to a teachers meeting. Doyoung made it home. He didn't even bother eating. He just quickly locked the door,windows and any source that could lead anyone to see him. He wore his slutty outfit. Which was a pink lace shirt with white panties and white high thighs. Doyoung logged into his computer.

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     Oh Doyoung loves CumSlut.Com.


Hey! I finished another chapter. I know it's going slow for now. But it'll get better trust me. I will show you guys how much I think of this book. I'm so happy to start a new book since it makes my mind go to ease. Because I have so many piled up ideas.

  Thank you for reading!

Have an amazing day

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