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~*Jaehyun POV~*

         I was at my house scrolling through a few links that Johnny sent me. A few looked very weird and way too many old hags. The last one I clicked on was called ''. Sounds decent. I called Taeyong to watch with me.

    "It's gonna be boring. Come on. It's weird." Taeyong whined rubbing his temples.
   "Shut up. At least let's give it a try. You know I can't bottom. And you hate it." I pointed out.

   Taeyong sighed before laying down beside me. He snatched my phone and clicked on the link. It asked for us to sign it to a fan account. So we chose a random name :Peach_Track. It's t he only thing we could agree on.

         There were so many people and so many fandoms. But the most popular one was 'BunnyBoySlut' he had over 1M views a month. That's a lot.

     We clicked on his profile. He was pretty. His long slender milky legs. His smooth flat stomach. His collarbones were spotless and were alluring. His thighs were average and his round ass. It was....beautiful.

    "How about we start from one of his most popular videos? He seems very popular. And pretty." Taeyong suggested

    I nodded as I clicked on the video with the most views that came out 4 months ago. But still it had 1.5M views.

            "Ngh. Daddy~ah. ah. Ah. AH!" His moans were so beautiful and pretty. The way he choked on them made them even more beautiful. The way his body reacted to the pleasure was on a different standard. He wasn't like anyone else. He was unique. His style was different. He likes pain. He has many kinks. He was wild. He likes it rough.

    "Mmh. I want a-a daddy s-soon. AH! N-Ngh. H-he can u-use me. A-and h-he can mmmh h-hit me..ahhh I'm a s-sex d-doll for d-daddy."    At this point I could tell Taeyong and I were both hard.

    We took off our pants alongside our boxers. I pumped my hand up and and down. Whenever he released a high pitch moan I unconsciously squeezed my dick.

        "F-fuck. How is h-he so pretty?" Taeyong cursed
   "I told you it's a new experience." I replied

         "Daddy. You can go rougher than that!" At this point BunnyBoySlut was testing my limits. He was challenging us.

          Whoever this was. They are the one. They are it.

        The broadcast ended. I panted while grinding. I turn over to see Taeyong came all over his pants. I look down at situation and it was way worse. I came more than I have when fucking anyone. How can he just make me cum so much under 10 minutes?!

      Shocking. This boy has some skills.

Oh and I will totally be doing this more often.


     ~No one POV~

              The next day at school in the parking lot. Johnny held Jaehyun and Taeyong back.
  "Did you try it?" Jaehyun and Taeyong nodded
  "It worked so much dude. It was literally insane. He made me cum. Literally I don't cum naturally." Jaehyun told.

    Johnny's eyes grew wide and smile formed on his face.
   "See? I have the best ideas" Jaehyun rolled his eyes.

          They sighed before going inside the school building.

   Cheers and squeals would be heard. Like usual they ignored them. They walked over to the east hall to see the soft boys. Which were Doyoung and Sicheng. To see Doyoung putting something in his locker and Yuta flirting with Sicheng who was blushing.

      Doyoung turned to see Taeyong's face in right front of his.
     "Yes?" Doyoung asked gulping.

   "Nothing. Just admiring your face." Taeyong replied and left.
    'Wait SungChan said that yesterday to me. Did they hear??'

    That thought consumed Doyoung.

   "Oh screw my life"


               Doyoung was in his classroom. He wasn't in the same class as Sicheng. He was seated beside Jeno. He was thankful.
   "Doyoung Hyung are you ok?" Jeno asked the older
  "Um. Yea I am. Don't worry." Doyoung said smiling.

     Jeno shrugged off the thought and smiled back he turned his attention back to the teacher to just started the lesson.

       'Fuck. If Taeyong knows. If JAEHYUN KNOWS?! What if ...what if they do something to SungChan? Hold up. I'm done. I'm jumping off a cliff. AH!!!! Doyoung don't think anything negative. Hopefully they just forget It. Hopefully they just forget I even exist.'


Oh well....that didn't turn out well.


Ok! So I know this book is going in one messy track. It's going to be a bit slower than my other books. I'm trying to focus on one main idea. Which is between Jaehyun Doyoung Taeyong and SungChan for now. That's t reason Doyoung was gay panicking. And they were on the website. So....stay tuned!

Have a great day

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