Twenty Six

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The last few days have been strange. For EVERYONE. First, The superior 5 have been coming before school and even started to avoid the cheers and loud ass screams and squeals . They are very rude and cold. Secondly, Doyoung has been getting a lot of attention from the guys around school for SOME reason. Thirdly, Yuta and Sicheng's relationship is wide known and is so open. Lastly, Taeyong and Jaehyun ignored every stupid request for sex.

But right now no one knows what's going on. Not even Doyoung.

Currently this is what Doyoung has to go through
"Hey baby, you look so cute today." A classmate of Doyoung's wrapped their arm around Doyoung's waist IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALL.

Everyone stared in disbelief. Doyoung pushed the male away just for another to bother.
"Leave me alone." Doyoung said as he pushed the male harshly against the locker.

The male was about to approach him until,
"He said to leave him alone, didn't he?" Taeyong spoke, getting in the middle between the two.

Unknowingly, Doyoung blushed feeling a bit flustered.
"Yea he did, but I'm not going to." The male replied he quickly smirked and tried to grab Doyoung's wrist.

He failed. Miserably. He was punched. Harshly. Blood. Blood rushed down from his nose. Making him stumble back on the lockers.

"He told you to leave him alone." Taeyong said once more as he pushed the male down on the floor.
"Now stay away"

Once as the male scrambled away, Taeyong turned to face Doyoung.
"Thanks." Doyoung muttered as Taeyong smiled softly at him.
"No problem." Taeyong said as he walked away leaving Doyoung flustered.

"Aish Lee Taeyong."


Jaehyun just rejected another girl that asked him for his dick.
"Yo, Jae why did you reject her?" Johnny asked
"Joy? Why did I reject her?" Jaehyun tsk-ed

Johnny nodded confused.
"She's a slut, a whore. I don't need a partner like that." Jaehyun smirked
"Everyone who comes to you is a slut and whore. You'd never rejected someone so harshly before." Johnny said.


Jaehyun stared at the female who was fluttering her eyelashes. Trying to seduce him.

"What the fuck do you want Joy?" Jaehyun asked his voice was rotten and venomous.
"I know you want me too. Don't act like that Jae Honey." Jaehyun almost puked.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Jaehyun yelled. Catching everyone's attention.
"Come on. You want me. You want this body. You want me. Your eyes say all." Joy said attaching herself on the male's chest.

"Get off of me" Jaehyun growled his voice was scary and dark.

"No, not until you give me my reward" Joy's hand sneaking down to cup Jaehyun's crotch.
"Don't you dare touch me"

But Joy ignored once more and started rubbing her hand against the crotch.
"JOY GET YOUR DISGUSTING HANDS OFF OF ME!" Jaehyun growled pushing her away.

"Come on. You want me and I want you." She ran her hand all over her body.
"I don't. I don't even know why you even bother at this point"

"Come on. Stop ignoring your needs. You need me. You want me" Joy's lips got close to Jaehyun's ear.

"YOU ARE JUST A BITCH AND WHORE! You aren't ashamed?! You want someone who doesn't even need you!"

Joy felt all the stares and whispers.

She felt tears sting in her eyes. She ran away sobbing for life.

End of flashback:

Jaehyun stared at Johnny as he smirked

"She's not going to come back you know that right?" Johnny said making Jaehyun scoff
"That's the point. I don't want her. I only need one person." Jaehyun said

"And Who's that?" Johnny asked impatiently


Doyoung smiled at his best friend as he started smiling and rambled about how he was so
In love with Yuta.
"Haha. Sicheng you are totally whipped"

Sicheng just pouted and continued his ramble. Doyoung just smiled. 'Cute'

      "Hey bitches, Anyways have you heard what happened?" Kun said walking over.
  "What?" Doyoung asked cocking his head to the side.

                 Kun smiled and looked at them once last time before sighing deeply.
  "Jaehyun rejected Joy in front of the whole east wing! Like seriously he pushed her off of him and literally yelled at her. She is a whore anyways." Kun said shrugging as if that's normal.

     Sicheng and Doyoung stared at each other with small smiles
    "Are you sure?" Sicheng asked raising an eyebrow

              Kun made a disgusted face and shook his head.
  "Of course I am! Everyone saw! You can even ask anyone!" Kun said leaving them.

"Oh really?"

     "Hey SungChan!" Doyoung waved at the young male
   "Hey Hyung! Have you heard what happened?! Jaehyun Hyung rejected Joy in front of everyone!!" SungChan smiled

         Doyoung giggled and nodded.
"Your Hyung did the right thing." Doyoung said realizing that the best relationships are made with him.

             Of course Doyoung would forgive them. He wants to be there for them. They were always meant to be yet they needed time and space to realize and collect their thoughts on one another.

Because the relationships are match made in heaven


Hello! Last chapter will be released tomorrow or after tomorrow

Have an amazing day

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