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         Doyoung woke up and was stuck. He couldn't fight back against the handcuffs. Doyoung got up and looked at the mirror in front of him.

The gag still in his mouth. The handcuffs still were holding his hands together. His hair messy. His body was covered in fading bite marks and hickeys. He looked fucked out. Just by looking in the mirror he kinda felt shy.

      "Mmmh n-gg." Doyoung moaned
Taeyong and Jaehyun walked into the room cooing at the naked boy.

    "Mmh. Nn. Hhh. Aaah." Doyoung was trying to communicate with the two.

Jaehyun walked over and took off the gag from the others mouth. Allowing Doyoung to breathe the right way again.

    "Ah...need..." Doyoung moaned grinding onto the air. As he was feeling a wave of emotions. Some parts are happy some are horny and some are sad.

    " need to be taken care of?" Jaehyun asked teasingly.
     "P-please." Doyoung moaned

        "Your wish is my command. Good boys get rewards. Isn't that right Taeyong?" Jaehyun asked smirking.
      "Yes,Jaehyun is right. Good boys get rewards." Taeyong said returning the smirk.

       The two both went closer to Doyoung. Not failing to se who's raging cock begging to be touched or taken care of. Whimpers were heard. They stared at Doyoung's hole that was clenching on nothing. It was loose and red but,it was still clenching. Doyoung whimpered loudly when Jaehyun leaned down and planted soft kisses all over Doyoung's shaft. Making him gasp and whimper.

    "P-please. P-please." Doyoung gasped out.
  "Ok ok. Eager much" Taeyong snapped towards the younger with a glare.

   Doyoung kept on jerking himself all over the place. He kept arching his back beautifully on the soft mattress. Whines and mixed of mumbling words were heard.
    "So sensitive." Jaehyun teased. This time licking Doyoung's base of his shaft making Doyoung gasp loudly and jerking himself halfway off the bed.

     Taeyong was enjoying this sight. Doyoung's upper half hanging off the bed while his lower half was squirming and moving. Jaehyun was running his hand all over Doyoung's body. Doyoung was clenching harshly this time.

   "I'm. Im. Gonna cum!" Doyoung moaned out loudly. His voice was sore from all the screaming he did earlier.

Doyoung came. Finally feeling a bliss of pleasure once again.


     The next day at school Doyoung was getting interrogated by Sicheng.
  "Sicheng,I've just breathed and you are asking me loads of questions!" Doyoung laughed

    Sicheng puffed out his cheeks.
  "You didn't even come yesterday. How can I just let that slide! You got some dick?!" Doyoung covered Sicheng's mouth shushing him.

    "You did!" Sicheng removed the older's hand from his mouth.
     "Y-yes." Doyoung stuttered clearly embarrassed.
   "You slut." Sicheng muttered

     "Says the person who literally only thinks about Yuta while doing a livestream." Doyoung giggled.
       "Yea! It's not the same tho!" Sicheng whined

     Soon enough the bell rang meaning another ridah of classes of torture

    "So, your project is due tomorrow. I gave you all a whole week." Doyoung slapped himself mentally. He totally forgot about the project. 
     "If you don't hand it in tomorrow,you'll get a big fat zero in my grade book understood?"

      Doyoung can't have a zero. He just can't. His mom wouldn't let him live alone then. He will make sure to have his assignment done. Hopefully. Just hopefully.

     The rest of the day went by boringly. Doyoung's mind still in the assignment. He couldn't believe he totally forgot about it. That assignment is half of his overall grade. If he doesn't turn it in my tomorrow then who knows what'll happen.

    Doyoung quickly whipped out his phone and texted the small group chat he has with Jaehyun and Taeyong.

You guys forgot about the assignment! It's due tomorrow!

Calm down baby boy, we'll do it after school. You can probably cockwarm me then. ;)

No! He's gonna cockwarm me!

    Hold up. After school? Ok. But stop arguing like 6 year olds.

Sure. By bbg



Hey guys! Sorry for not updating yesterday. I'm really sorry. I was kinda studying while doing shit. So......ok.

Have a great day!

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