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               When Jaehyun got out of detention he needed something to cool his mind off of. He asked Taeyong to join him for watching BunnyBoySlut but Taeyong was being annoying and didn't come because he had 'work' to do.

      Jaehyun logged on and saw that BunnyBoySlut was actually live. He clicked Join and the comments and the amount of money people were giving him were absurd. The small boy was wearing a blue harness with his legs open to the crowd his hole twitched cutely and his cock was pink. His thighs were on display and it was held down by the boy's hand. He was moaning softly and whining time to time.

      "Daddy ha~ahh....fuck—mmmh....h-ha." The small male on the screen had a toy stuck up his ass. It looked so fucking good. Jaehyun wished that he could just find this Slut and lock him up.
    "D-daddy...Mmh. Ahhhh FUCK. Ha-AH"

      The sounds,looks and desperate look in the others eye was appealing to Jaehyun. He couldn't see half of his face only the eyes of the mysterious slut.

    "HA. Hmmmm a- ah. Fucking s-shit. I'm I'm close!!" The boy let out a long nerdy moan. His voice high pitched.

      Jaehyun knew he was going to have a boner afterwards. Soon enough bunny came all over his thighs,hands and flat stomach. He brought his hand to his golden glitter mask. He covered the rest of his face. He took of the mask and kicked his finger teasingly. He smirked in the Camera. He put his mask back up and waved to the camera.

  "Thank you for joining me pleasuring myself today!" Jaehyun never missed that line after every video.

      The screen turned blank. Jaehyun's mind went blank. God damn. That boy did something to Jaehyun. And now he has a fucking Boner to deal with.

          "Ugh..." Jaehyun growled .

   He got up and went to the bathroom. He pulled down his sweatpants and boxer to see his cock sprung out a angry red color. It was waiting for it to be touched.

          Jaehyun grunted softly before pumping his hand up and down his shaft. Letting out a groan and a manly moan shortly after.

   "Bunny. What a good slut for me.." Jaehyun closed his eyes in pleasure and threw his head back. Imagining the boy on his knees begging for his cock. Messy hair,drool running down his chin,Whines escaping his lips with whimpers.

     Oh how Jaehyun wanted it to be a real bit a fantasy.

   "F-fuck" Jaehyun moaned. He came all over himself. He decided to take a shower. So he did.


     Doyoung just finished a broadcast. He made a lot. He was covered in cum. He was sticky. Right now Be felt like being lazy but he hates being dirty. He got up and lightly limped to the bathroom. He got into the shower and put warm water. He hummed the best to his favorite song while taking a relaxing story.

          Doyoung was feeling a bliss of pleasure when he takes a warm bath or shower. He doesn't know why and what was making him feel like being fucked in a shower. That thought made Doyoung hard. For no reason.

   "I literally just thought the most random thing and now I'm hard." Doyoung muttered he started playing with himself a bit before actually taking a gold shower.

When he was done he decided to make cookies and have a lazy day for the rest of the day.
  "Mmh. Finally so warm and cozy.." Doyoung moaned in comfort. He snuggled against the blankets and his pink sweater he was wearing

   He was cozy and sleepy. Without realization he fell asleep on his grey couch.


Taeyong POV:

      I was lying when I said I was busy. I was actually trying to stalk BunnyBoySlut. For no absolute reason. But for the rest of the night I just watched his old videos and how he first got started on this platform.

"He's really pretty. He's mine." I growled lowly to myself ,

"You'll be mine. Once as I find who you are." Both Jaehyun and Taeyong said. Growling. 2 different people 2 different places and 1 prey.


Sorry for short Chap. Sorry for any typos cuz I tend to make a lot of typos.

Have a nice day!!


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