Twenty One

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"He's in love with you" SungChan said rage evident in his voice.

           "He doesn't want to whore around you like the other hundreds of girls. He doesn't love you for your body Yoonoh . He loves you for who you are. He doesn't love you for your looks or your dick, he loves you for your personality and your aura. Why can't you accept the fact that he's the ONE for you. He is a caring person a great person" SungChan added.

        Jaehyun's head hanged low. He had never thought of it this way. He only ever cared about himself and his own pleasures.

             "He doesn't want sex Hyung he wants love. He wants feelings and emotions. You never gave me any of that as a brother what is he going to get?" Oh Jaehyun suddenly felt guilt rush through his body.

        "You were never there for me. You never witnessed my accomplishments my awards. You were never at my basketball games. You were never at my birthday. You forgot my birthday for three years now. You never gave me a birthday call or present. You don't have to, but at least just say something to me that won't ruin my mood" Jaehyun felt something at the pit of his stomach. He felt a wave of emotions hitting him.

             "Why?!" Jaehyun flinched at the sudden raise of his voice, not failing to witness the tears that pricked the corners of the wide deer-like eyes.

MEANWHILE: Taeyong just standing there like

             "Answer me! Why don't you notice my existence?! IF YOU HAD ACTUALLY PAID ATTENTION TO ME I WOULDN'T HATE YOU!" SungChan's tears spilled out. After failing of trying to suppress them.

     Jaehyun dashed to his younger brother pulling him into a hug. Caressing his hair soothingly not caring if SungChan was trying to push him away. Not realizing the own stray tears running down his face. Holding the younger brother tightly comforting him.

        SungChan would be lying if he didn't like this. He felt safe and he felt loved for once in his life. He didn't want his older brother to hate him. He didn't want his whole family to crumble.

        MEANWHILE: Taeyong still like: 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️

           Jaehyun pulled out and wiped his brothers tears.

    "I'm sorry." Jaehyun cried. More tears leaving his redden eyes.

"I will still love you brother, I will always be on your side when I pretend to hate you"


         Doyoung woke up in his bed with Jeno and Mark sitting at the edge of it. He heard Sicheng and His other Friend Jungwoo In the kitchen

"You are awake Hyung," Doyoung nodded and frowned at the worried expressions.
   "What happened?" Doyoung asked his voice hoarse and raspy.

       "You fainted in the bathroom, Jeno took you to the nurse's and the nurse said you passed out due to dehydration and lack of sleep or lack of happiness or what not." Mark said softly

        "Did y'all bring me here?" Doyoung asked
  "Yes, Sicheng Hyung came before so he can prepare food and about 30 minutes later we've arrived after getting in contact with the nurse" Jeno said hugging Doyoung tightly.

    "I'm fine now, thank you." Doyoung said smiling
      "No,your not. Doyoung the nurse said for you to eat and rest up. Don't come to school tomorrow and I'll skip to stay with you alright?" Sicheng said smiling and handing Doyoung the bowl of fresh made soup.

    "Thank you Sicheng you didn't have too. Thank you Mark and Jeno I appreciate everything you've done for me. Thanks Jungwoo" Doyoung said widely smiling.

"Alright Hyung we'll be leaving and we hope you feel better." Mark said as he and Jeno stood up.
     "Me too, I have work to do" Jungwoo said smiling

    "Alright see you guys" Doyoung said waving at them.

    Once as the door shuts Sicheng hugs Doyoung tight.

   "I'm sorry I shouldn't have gone with Yuta, I should've stayed with you. I should've put you in front. I'm sorry Doyoungie I'm sorry." Doyoung frowned at how Sicheng blamed everything blamed everything on himself.

    Before Sicheng can start his ramblings again the older pulled him into a large hug

"Don't you dare blame anything on yourself. Please, it hurts me. Sicheng you did nothing. Listen to me. You found true love and makes me happy. That's what I care about, I just haven't been able to sleep since I'm so caught up with school" Doyoung said

"Anyways, I found the bunny set lingerie." Sicheng Suddenly said
      "Do you bye chance have a cat one?" Doyoung nodded and pulled something from under his bed

   Opening the box, there was a pink lace panties with a baby pink and white garter belt with white stockings. A harness and kitty fluffy white ears ona. Headband.

   "I was gonna give you it for your birthday, but if you want it you can have it now." Doyoung said

   "THANKSSS" Sicheng squealed making Doyoung giggle

"I want to find TRUE happiness"


Hi, another update yess, ok so guys help me, I've got so many other ideas such as

Han SeoJun X Doyoung

Doyoung X Yuta X WinWin

+many others oop-

Have another great fantastic day

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