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After the live stream Doyoung showered and changed into comfy clothes. Doyoung sat on his bed he looked at his hands folded in his lap.

"Am I in love?" Doyoung mumbled to himself he felt himself tearing up.

Doyoung sucked in a breath before letting out a quiet cry. He shuddered. He couldn't believe that he had caught feelings for the jerks of his school. It was his mission not too.

   He failed. Failed.

   He was in love and he can't deny that. His mind and heart both tell him that he is in love. He can't help himself, it just happened.

    'Kim Doyoung,YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO FALL IN LOVE YOU DUMMY! Now you are hopelessly in love with those two idiots, now what are you gonna do?'

   'Stay away from them, they'll just hurt you more, they will open your heart more, and remember you DON'T want to give up to them.'

     Doyoung's brain taunted him. His own thoughts reversed around him. Surrounding himself in million of broken hearts and broken thoughts. He didn't know what piece to follow, what thought to listen too

"Lee, Jung stupid assholes!"


     The next day at school, Doyoung was a bit gloomy. He wasn't in the middle to even smile in the halls like usual. He didn't see SungChan which was a good sign. He also didn't know where Kun was.

       Suddenly Sicheng held onto his wrist and pulled him next to him. They were side by side next to their lockers

   "Ow! What was that for?" Doyoung yelped, snatching his wrist away.

    "Oop sorry, I was just shocked you weren't in a good mood today, what's wrong?" Sicheng asked softly,

    "I-I don't know, I mean it's nothing," Doyoung mumbled

     Sicheng scoffed and turned his gaze over to shuts who was staring at him smiling.

   "Go get your man" Doyoung teased patting his best friends back. Sicheng glanced at him before running into Yuta's arms.

    Doyoung sighed.
  'At least they love each other,'

         Doyoung walked to his first classroom. He saw that only a few people were seated there. When he arrived to his seat he realized that he will be needing to control himself. His seat was right below Taeyong's. Doyoung wanted to murder himself when Taeyong and Jaehyun came inside the classroom.

    Doyoung scoffed and rolled his eyes not thinking of them to much.

           That seemed to Trigger Lee, he was wearing a white shirt with black pants.

   Suddenly Doyoung heard:

   "Slut, you need to be taught not to mess with daddy right?" Doyoung felt weak, submissive, helpless.

       Doyoung ignored it and continued focusing on classes.


            Jaehyun and Taeyong were very pissed at how Doyoung was acting. He was ignoring them all day throughout classes. They were very concerned hoping the boy didn't go through anything.

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