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       Doyoung waited patiently for Taeyong and Jaehyun to be done with their basketball practice. Yes,they only have practice on Wednesday and Friday nights. (It's a Wednesday)

            Doyoung was hoping desperately that their practice would end soon. He didn't want to wait any longer in halls. He was getting bored and some reason embarrassed? He decided to wait for only 10 more minutes before leaving himself to do the project in his apartment.

         The bell rang meaning that it was now after school hours. Also meaning that the basketball team still has practice. Making Doyoung groan he decided to leave not really knowing what to do.

     He walked out of the hall that held the 3 gyms and field. He went into the Library that was right across the hall. He walked in to see it completely empty. Wasn't a surprise since no one would stay after school in a library.

        Doyoung laid out his laptop,papers and files he needed to fill out. He dropped his backpack on the floor with a small thud. Dropping his textbook onto the table with a louder thud.

      Doyoung started organizing his process of how he'll take on the assignment. It was DUE TOMORROW. He needed it turned in. No matter what.

     "Seems like I've gotta go to work soon." Doyoung mumbled under his breath,even though no one could hear him since no one was around. 

    He started working. His fingers gracefully hit the keyboard of his laptop. He typed quickly while looking at his papers to see any other things he needed to write down. He kept on typed gracefully ignoring the whole world around him. It was as if the world around him stopped.

       Picking up his pen and writing down on the piece of paper, with the ink blue. He was doing his work so efficiently.

"You seem so busy,didn't even wait for us" a voice spoke.
      "Mr.Jung,you guys were at practice while I had nothing to do. I got us started. Now we only have to submit these files and these two chapters. What are enough guys standing there? Get to work." Doyoung said quickly.

      The other two rolled their eyes.
    "But you have to cockwarm me" Taeyong spoke. Lowly not to loud.

   "W-what? We are in school! That's not appropriate." Doyoung said. Quick like lightning.

        "They turn off the security cameras at 2:00. Have you seen the time? It's 3:00." Taeyong whispered with a chuckle at the end. Doyoung sighed before pulling Taeyong down on his seat and taking off his pants.

    He then took off his boxers halfway down his thighs. He took off his own jeans halfway. Then he slid his panties down a bit. Taeyong slid into him like nothing.

         Doyoung was trying his best to Focus on his work. But he can't if Taeyong's dick is stabbing into his prostate again and again.

    Letting out a needy moan Doyoung quickly slapped  his hand over his mouth. 
    "Stop tying to cover your noises." Jaehyun growled from the side of the two. Making Doyoung blush and take away his hand.

        They worked for another 20-30 minutes and got the assignment done. Mostly,Doyoung's work. The were still at the school since Doyoung was still riding Taeyong slowly. Moving his waist up and down.

     Jaehyun wanted attention. He went Over to Doyoung and smashed his lips on his. Kissing him passionately. Making Doyoung into a squirming blushing mess.

          Taeyong carefully laid Doyoung down on his back making him squirm and jerk his body away.

    "Shh baby..." Jaehyun cooed softly.
      "Daddy help!" Doyoung moaned out.
   " pleasure...." Jaehyun smirked

                   Jaehyun quickly took off his pants and boxers and brought his hard cock out. His tip rutting  against his hole. He started teasing.
    "D-daddy p-please don't tease." Doyoung moaned

         Jaehyun chuckled and put all of his cock into the small tiny hoe of Doyoung.
    "You've been riding Taeyong for about 30 minutes and you are still so tight." Jaehyun chuckled or more like growled.

They started pounded and taking into the small poor boy.

    "P-please.." Doyoung moaned
   "Cum." Jaehyun said making the other release with a moan.

             Jaehyun chuckled at how Doyoung reached about himself.
"I'm sticky!" Doyoung whined.

           Jaehyun pulled out wiped from his backpack and started wiping Doyoung. Throwing his wiped out they helped Doyoung get up and walk to his car.

At least they finished the project.


Followers. Like wtf. I don't deserve it. Y'all imma go scream real quick,

Also fun so yesterday I was at the park for no reason. This guy comes up to me and says "hey shawty" and I'm like standing there like wtf. Then he was trying to come closer to me and I kept backing away. Because like he was being a. Creep. So like I was kinda annoyed.

   Then all of sudden I was like you know fuck it "I'm sorry I'm Lesbian." Which is true but I'm like BI. But anyways  and like he goes "I don't mind" I'm like BRO LEAVE ME ALONE

But he eventually let me go and I was like imma cry now.

Ok have a great day!!!


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