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Ah, hello. Remember that time I said I'd try to get a consistent update schedule... that seemed to be a lie. I finally finished my training for my new job and got in the swing of how to do it. The only problem is that all I do is the job, come home, and instantly falling asleep only to wake up and go back to work. So while I thought that I could have more time for writing since I didn't have school to worry about, I was wrong. Sorry about that. Anyway, I hope this chapter is good.


THEY TRIED IT ONCE MORE BUT IT really wasn't working that well. Had that first time been a fluke? "Geeze, it doesn't seem like this is working out that well." Endo commented as they watched Shōyō miss the ball again. However, it was thankfully saved by their captain who was able to get the last hit over the net. Though Nekoma was still able to save it, curse their cat-like reflexes.

The rally went on for a while as Nekoma kept making revieces and Karasuno did their best to keep making good blocks. Though it still ended with the cats getting this one point thanks to Yamamoto.

On the Nekoma bench, Shibayama turned to his coach and manager, "Taketora is more into it than usual."

Yua nodded her head in agreement, "You're right, he's certainly more fiery in this game."

"Maybe it's because there's someone a lot like himself at Karasuno." Nekomata commented, gazing at Tanaka and Yamamoto(the possible long-lost twins). "Or maybe he's being inspired by the battle between Inuoka and their number 10?" It's true, these teams certainly had found some good adversaries in each other. It seemed like each player had found an opponent to try and knock down a peg.

"Hinata and Kageyama's fast attacks just aren't lining up," Takeda groaned on the Karasuno side.

Sakura shrugged her shoulders, "It's understandable considering they're still such a new team. So a new strategy with even the smallest adjustment might take a while for them to get comfortable with."

Ukai nodded his head with his hand on his chin, "Unlike the deviant fast attacks they've been doing up till now where Kageyama aligns perfectly to Hinata's moves, they're now attempting to do normal fast attacks." They all watched the game with a critical eye. "Hinata needs technical improvement. The only way to accomplish that is conditioning through repetition. But if he gets the conditioning down, and learns when to use the two different attack types..."

Nekomata narrowed his eyes at the freak pair on Karasuno, "...then those two will no longer be 'a demon and his iron club'. They will be 'demon' and 'demon'."

The game continued on with Nekoma serving to Karasuno. It was hit over and heading straight for Shōyō who wasn't sure if he should receive it overhand or underhand. Though he didn't decide quick enough as he was hit in the chest with it. It still was in play, but now the orange-haired teen was on the ground.

Sakura smirked lightly, "that's another one for the collection." Takeda and Ukai eyed the girl with uncertainty. Both of them thinking along the same lines of her being a bit of a sadist. It was a bit unsettling to them.

"Cover it!" Karasuno's Number 5 called out.

Nishinoya saved it and hit it towards him, "Ryu!"

"You got it!" Tanaka shouted as he ran up to the net, "Asahi ain't the only one who can pull his weight at crunch time!" He spiked the ball and was able to bounce it off of Yamamoto's hand and out of bounds, giving Karasuno a point.

Nishinoya and Tanaka pumped their fists together as they celebrated their win. "Boo-yah, boo-yah, boo-yah, boo-yah!" Though it was really only to infuriate the mohawk boy on the other team, which it certainly did.

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