Senpai's True Abilities

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Next chapter is done! I actually went on a writing spree last week and got a few chapters either done or halfway done, so yay! I've been so hyper-focused on this that I honestly haven't written for anything else. oops. I just haven't gotten into any other fandom to keep writing. I'm hoping to get back into certain fandoms like umbrella academy and harry potter. Though until I get around to that, I hope that ya'll like this chapter!


KAGEYAMA WASN'T EXPECTING THIS TO HAPPEN, SEEING his number being held up by Suga. He wasn't expecting to be subbed out like this. Though even he knew that he was speeding up too much. Hell, Tsukishima completely missed that last set he sent him. Perhaps he was just getting too overwhelmed over this game. He could only blame Oikawa for that, the Great King was getting under Kageyama's skin.

He walked over to take his number from his senpai, gets some encouraging words from him, and walked over to wait to be subbed back in. All the while, he was thinking of how this was reminding him of his time in middle school. He had gotten so far on this new team as well. His team has trust in him, most of them anyway, and he has someone who can hit his quick sets. Though that didn't matter at the moment now that he was being subbed out of the game.

A shout from Shōyō broke him from his thoughts as he approached the rest of his team. "I said I'd be the one that defeats you!"

Yamaguchi whisper-shouted at him, "Hinata, you're gonna get in trouble-"

"So don't lose to anyone else before that!" He continued to passionately shout, disregarding his friend's warning.

The rest of the team watched the two of them with wide eyes. Most of them were inspired by Shōyō's constant, blazing passion for this sport. The way that Shoyo constantly did everything he could to challenge Kageyama. Kageyama stared at him for a moment before he pursed his lips, "The match isn't over yet, so I haven't lost." everyone could see the way that Shōyō's eyes gleamed at that.

Yamaguchi then came up behind Shōyō and grabbed his arms to haul him backward, "You're going to get in trouble!"

Endo laughed at the rambunctious group, "you guys always seem to be full of energy!" It was quite entertaining to watch them like this. The lively first-years were so full of energy over this sport. Though as he watched Kageyama talk with their coach and then head over to the rest of the team, he had a sinking feeling.

Kageyama was reverting back to his old ways, in some capacity. While he hadn't gotten upset and shouted at anyone, he was slowly speeding up his plays which was causing no one to be able to spike anything. Endo knew that Kageyama had been humbled by the team and wasn't as much of a tyrant as he used to be. Though it's only been a short time, there's no telling if he might go back to his old ways. Especially in a game against his old teammates, that would definitely bring up some bad memories.

One upside to this was that Endo is more than glad to see that Suga was on the court. He knew that Suga belonged on the court since he's also a talented setter. Not a prodigy like Kageyama, but Suga has a connection with everyone on the team that made him easy to work with. He lost his spot as a starting player, so Endo was just a tiny bit grateful to see Kageyama on the bench. Even if it's for a short while, he's happy to see Suga play!

He smirked widely as the younger setter marched over to them. "Don't you worry about anything, Little King." Endo patted Kageama's head, "Suga can hold down the fort while you calm yourself down."

The younger boy swatted away Endo's hand roughly, "Don't call me king!"

Endo just chuckled, the cheeky expression on his handsome face not moving at all. "To be fair, I called you Little King."

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