Versus the Great King

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A/N: Hi, long time no see! My hiatus was a tad bit longer than I had wanted it to be, however, it couldn't be helped :\ So I'll give a brief explanation for it I suppose. So I recently got a job for the holiday season, yay! It does take up most of my time now, but we do want that money, you know. Not only that but I've had some big assignments for school and such which included some exams. So that took over all of my time. Though that's over now and I have a bit of a consistent schedule now which means I can start writing again! Though I've decided that I'll probably be uploading on either Sundays or Mondays since the only real time I have to write is on the weekends. Hope that's all right. Anyway, here's this chapter, again, sorry it took so long, hope ya'll like it!


IT ALMOST SEEMED LIKE THE GYM CAME to a stand-still now that the Aoba Johsai captain had finally arrived for the match. Even if both teams were having their break in between sets, their attention was drawn to the official setter of the powerhouse school. His very presence seemed as though it demanded recognition, or at least he carried himself that way. The smug aura that surrounded him was not unnoticed by Karasuno. In fact, a few of them even seemed to be glowering at him for it. Well, it was more like just Tanaka, who didn't like the attention that the captain was getting from the girls who stood to watch the match.

Endo seemed to be the only one on the team that was a tad bit excited at the arrival of the other boy. Don't get him wrong, it was a bit unsettling to know that they'd have to face his monster serves now, but that made it a bit thrilling for him. He hadn't gotten to play against Oikawa all that much. Karasuno never made it far enough to play against Aoba Johsai at any tournaments. The only time he did get to see Oikawa was when they were in grades school and practiced with each other. If Endo thought about it, the last time he really got to see the cocky setter and talk with him was some time last year. And the last time he practiced volleyball with him was during their first year at their high schools. So, of course, he was excited at the prospect of getting to play against him and see how much he's improved. Not only that, but he was more than ready to show off how he's improved as well.

"Hey! You're back, Oikawa!" The Aoba Johsai coach said as the captain walked over, "How's your leg?"

The brown-haired third-year flashed an ok sign with a smile, "Perfect! I'm good to do regular practice. It was only a light sprain."

His coach shook his head, "Honestly, be more careful. They met our demand to produce Kageyama so we lose face if we aren't using our official setter."

"Sorry, sir," Oikawa apologized, he at least had the decency to look a little sheepish.

Just from one look at him, Sakura could already tell that she didn't like him that much. He seemed to be the overly arrogant type, which didn't sit well with her. It was one thing to be confident in your abilities, it was another to stuff it into someone's face. He definitely seemed like the type to do that. Not only that, but he scarily reminded Sakura of a certain blond foreigner on the team, and she wasn't looking forward to having yet another Endo around.

Then again, Sakura shouldn't judge just based on the vibe she was getting off of him. If he had a shitty personality or the personality of a saint, she wouldn't care. He's a player from a different team. He may be her brother's opponent, but as long as he didn't infuriate her by undermining her brother or otherwise annoying her, then she wouldn't care about Oikawa or what he does.

A girl from the stands suddenly yelled out, "Oikawa, please don't hurt yourself!" There was then a collection of giggles and shouts from other fangirls in the stands. The sound was infuriating quite a few people on Karasuno's team.

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