An Interesting Team

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A/N: Hm. I finally got this chapter done. It took me a bit, but I actually did it. I've been a bit swamped with school stuff considering it ws midterms and now we have to start picking out classes for next semester, so I'm just posting things whenever I get them finished now. Enjoy!


"I'M SORRY!" SHŌYŌ EXCLAIMED AT HIS SENPAI as he bowed at a ninety-degree angle towards the older teen. "Tanaka, I'm sorry!"

The shaved-headed boy shook his head while tying up the plastic bag with his soiled pants. After what had happened on the bus, Tanaka had to change into his shorts. Though after Shōyō throwing up on his upperclassmen, just about everyone was worried about the ball of sunshine. Who knew how he was doing after this. The upperclassman waved his hand dismissively, "I told you it's fine. What about you? Are you okay?"

Shōyō nodded his head vigorously, causing the others to think that he was going to make himself sick again. "Yes, I got some rest and I feel fine now that I'm off the bus."

"Great! Good to hear! The outcome of today's game depends on how well you operate!" Tanaka exclaimed which caused the younger boy to suddenly freeze up. "I want you to let me hit the ball freely just like in the three-on-three."

"Tanaka," Suga called out in an urgent whisper as he climbed off the bus, "Don't pressure him."

"What's that you say?"

"I-I'll do my best!" Shoyo stuttered out shakily as he broke out in a sweat. Once again his stomach rumbled unhappily which caused him to clutch it as he started to waddle away, "I've gotta go to the washroom!"

"So it's coming out both ends now?" Tanaka laughed, not seeing the problem like a clueless idiot, "You're a busy guy!"

Kageyama glowered as he watched the queasy boy walk away. "He's doing it again? That's pathetic!" He rolled up his sleeves and moved to march ofter him, "He needs a good, motivational whack."

"Hey, what are you saying?" Suga grabbed him before he could get too far, "You know he's not the type that responds to that stuff!"

Endo eyed Kageyama with a raised eyebrow and leaned over towards Daichi and whispered not so subtly, "He is such a violent little boy."

"You never know unless you try," Kageyama insisted on his violent tactics.

Suga continued to try and hold the boy back but it was turning out to be a bit of trouble. How was this kid stronger than him? "Tanaka, hold this simpleton back!"


"Just one whack!" Kageyama continued to fight against them.

Sakura then stepped off of the bus with half-lidded eyes as she heard the threat to her brother. The orange-headed girl is usually impassive on certain things, but when it comes to physical threats upon her family, she tends to become less than friendly. Especially when they come from people who doesn't like all that much. She pinpointed Kageyama as he struggled in Tanaka's arms, though he paused once he could feel the cold stare on the back of his head. Really, Sakura was the only one who had a glare that could rival that of Kageyama's. If anyone had to say, they might say that Sakura was the female Kageyama, but looked exactly like Hinata, it was unsettling.

"Please restrain yourself from beating up my brother." She clicked her tongue and casually strolled over to where Kiyoko was talking with Takeda. "Or you'll have to deal with me." Her dark brown eyes glinted in the light as she passed by him, "Got it, king?" Kageyama shivered at the unamused stare that she was pointing at him. She just continued to walk away with a satisfied feeling, seeing that she intimidated him at least a bit. Kageyama let out a sigh of relief once she was far enough away. Who would have thought that the Kageyama Tobio would be rattled by a girl far smaller than him.

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