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Here we go! We finally get to see Nekoma! With my favorite gamer boooi! This chapter is suuuuper long. Like a lot longer than what I usually write. It took me so long to actually get it done. I'm so tired! So there may be a tad bit more grammar errors and such in it since it's so long. I apologize for that. Anyway, let's start this chapter!


THE NEXT DAY FELT REFRESHING TO SAKURA. Not only is the gallery over, but it also went far better than she would have thought. Her anxiety had been quelled once she got plenty of praise from not only people that she knows but also complete strangers. So her photography truly isn't bad. It's actually really good going off of what happened yesterday. Now if only she could show the jerk Sato how well she did. He truly was an asshole to her in middle school.

The Hinata family all got themselves ready for the day. Well, it was more like the twins got themselves ready while their mother and Natsu barely woke up to see them leave. As usual, Shōyō is full of energy, actually, there's far more energy inside of his little body than normal. The reason being that today was the start of the volleyball training camp.

So Shōyō got himself ready as quickly as he could. Meanwhile, Sakura was forced to hurry up as her brother was trying to get her out the door as fast as possible. He finally finished tying his shoes, "Okay!"

"We're going!" Sakura called out while putting on her own shoes.

Their little sister waved after them, "Bye."

The pair of twins then exited their house and grabbed their bikes. Pedaling as fast as he could, Shōyō took off leaving Sakura to try and catch up to him. Sure, Sakura could be quick on her feet but not this early in the morning! They maneuvered through their neighborhood and finally started to make their way up the mountain.

"This is kind of amazing!" Shōyō exclaimed suddenly, "Okay, it's time for training camp!"

He then started to take off down the hill, leaving poor Sakura in the dust. She groaned and tried to pedal faster, "Slow down, Shō! I can't catch up!"

Shōyō just laughed loudly, "Hurry up, Saku!"

"Why are you so energetic in the mornings?!" She shouted after them as they zoomed down the road.


"So what's it going to be like?" Yachi asked as she once again sat with Sakura for lunch. "This training camp."

The two were eating lunch with each other just like they had yesterday. It seemed like the two were slowly starting to form a friendship. One that could possibly last quite a while, Sakura hoped.

Sakura munched on some rice and shrugged her shoulders, "I'm not sure, I've never been to one, so I'm not sure what to expect." Sakura answered before pulling out her notebooks. "I imagine that all the guys will be sharing a room, and I think Kiyoko-senpai mentioned something about having to cook for them all." She huffed and rolled her eyes. "That's going to be tough, I'm already terrible at cooking for myself, can't imagine what it's going to be like having to cook for a whole volleyball team."

Though during her explanation Yachi started to think to herself about what the camp might be like. "A whole team of really tall scary guys..." Yachi muttered out, starting to shake slightly thinking what kind of scary people her new friend was going to be around. She grabbed Sakura's shoulders and shook them, "Hinata-chan! Don't die while you're out there. Actually, don't go, I can't lose my friend out there!"

Sakura pushed off the other girl's hands and shook her head. She appreciated the concern, but knew that it was unnecessary. "Yachi, it's fine. Besides, I'm pretty sure most of the team is scared of me." A smirk pulled on her lips which caused Yachi to shiver, "As they should be."

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