Removing the Lonely King

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I really wanna get this season finished lmao It's taken me so long to actually get through all twenty-five episodes of this season. I just so wanna get to season two already I have many scenes that I've already written down and I'm ready to put them in a proper chapter! Though we got this one and then "The Third Day" and season 1 is done! YAY~! Anyway, I hope you like this one!


THE ONE-HANDED TOSS THAT KAGEYAMA HAD MADE was incredible! Not only did it show how much skill and precision he has as a setter but it tied up the game. There was a moment when the ball had hit the floor on Seijoh's side that Sakura just about screamed out in excitement. Though she kept herself in check and only clapped loudly. Last thing she'd do is get too emotional at a time like this. However, she'll be damned if she'd let someone think that she wasn't invested and supportive.

During this entire game, it's been quite the rollercoaster of emotions. Her doubts and hopes constantly flip flopping around from believing that they were actually going to win or lose. Though at this very moment, she was wholeheartedly going to have faith that this game would end with her brother winning. After all the miracles and good luck that they've had so far, there's little to no doubt in her mind that they could lose at this point.

Yes, her heart was taking over her logical thinking right now. However, there was still a very strong chance that they would win this! She was going to let herself be optimistic right in this moment. That point had changed her opinion in just a few seconds. The growing feeling in her chest was new and slightly confusing, but she'll let it consume her at this moment. She was elated for her brother and friend.

Everyone was in complete shock over what had happened. Now that the teams were at a deuce, hopefully that meant Karasuno still had a fighting chance. But imagine it, what if Karasuno could beat them! The underdog taking down one of the most elite teams in this tournament, that would be a complete upset.

Seijoh had to call a timeout after that. Not only did they need a break after those intense rallies but now they needed to slow down Karasuno's momentum. When the boys came over to the side to get some well-deserved water, Nishinyoa was more than excited to greet the troublesome duo. He rubbed their heads harshly with a large smile, "Hey! That was awesome, Hinata, Kageyama!"

Endo smirked at the sight of his tired teammates, "you guys are keeping up with those buffoons, huh? Good job!" Oh, he loved to see the near panicked expression on Oikawa's face. He seemed to now be realizing that Karasuno was a worthy opponent to knock them down a peg. Sure, they hadn't done it yet, but it was more of a possibility than Oikawa originally believed. Endo certainly is salivating for the sight of a defeated Tooru.

After getting a quick drink and calming down some, both teams returned to the court. It was Karasuno's serve and Tanaka was up. "We've got the momentum!" Ennoshita encouraged them.

The other boys all yelled, "Nice serve!"

Endo joined in on the cheering, "You got this!"

"Give it all you've got, Tanaka!" Suga yelled in encouragement.

Tanaka served the ball pretty well and the receive that their opponent made was a bit wonky. "It's a little off!" Shimada exclaimed.

Takinoue was gritting his teeth, "Block! Block!"

They watched as multiple times Shōyō attempted to spike the ball. Though each and every time he tried, it was saved. Sakura noticed that her brother's jumps were getting shorter. Even if he was able to get a point eventually, it was only because he floated the ball over the block thanks to his jump being short. He was running back and forth too much, and she feared that it was catching up to him. That can't happen now, he can't let that happen! She gripped the railing tightly as she watched the game even more intensely than before. Her camera was completely forgotten at this point since she didn't want to miss a moment of this. The only time she would use her camera at this point, was to capture the moment they won, that was for sure.

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