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Park Jimin who was born like any other kid. He grew up happy without any worries. Until one day everything took a turn. his parents were not anymore the loving people he knew. sadly for him life never took a turn, further and further he sank into the dark pit. Until one day no nothing was left of him. And that was the moment he tried to end it all.

Jimin woke up later in a hospital, he couldn't remember what had happened. He didn't know where he was or why he was there. He didn't understand the situation. but the doctor's did. They said that the boy's mind had shut off a part of his memory. The boy was unable to remember them on his own. but the boy also refused to think of it, he would get angry and make a scene when the doctors told him he needed to heal and he was imagining things.

But Jimin didn't believe them, he refused to believe them. But the doctors were right. He wasn't living right. Jimin's mind had created an illusion, he would see his friends and say they were waiting for him. But they were not. Jimin was alone, still the boy kept believing that what his mind told him was true. ignoring the fact things felt off.

Seeing that the people in the center did not have any success in helping the boy they hired a new psychiatrist for the boy. His name was Min Yoongi. and he will do his best to help the boy and make him come over his past.

But also unexpectedly catching feelings for his patient along the way.


I am writing again something a bit different than my fantasy stories. i hope you will enjoy. i will warn that this is not going to be a fluff based story but a bit..darker? if thats how i should call it. 

I am hoping to be able to write this well, i will do my best! 



-abuse, violence



-suicide attempt/self harm


-happy end

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