File 22: change

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- one month later-

Yoongi Was not at the instituut today. he had left for a bit to meet with someone again. leaving Jimin in Seokjin's care until he came back. he thought jimin could do it, he was growing stronger and more to himself each day so he can go out for a bit and leave the boy alone. he will be fine, yes he had asked jimin before if he was okay with yoongi leaving this morning, and jimin said it was fine.

Yoongi entered the cafe and looked around to see if his guest was already here. He saw him quickly. The man was sitting near the window holding a book in his hand. Yoongi took off his coat and approached the table sitting down in front of the other.

"Hello Taehyung" yoongi said and the other closed the book noticing his guest, he gave yoongi a smile placing the book next to him on the table.

"you came, im glad"

"Of course, you asked to meet me, right? you wanted to talk about jimin if i read your mail correctly."

"yes, I really wanted to ask you how he is doing... i haven't seen him in so long" taehyung's smile faded. he was really missing his best friend,. ever since jaesang came in the picture jimin haven't been the same and disappeared from taehyung's world. Jaesang claimed Jimin, he was not allowing the younger to go out and see or even talk to his friends. Taehyung didn't get it at first until later the signs began to show, when he began to realise something was wrong. only then it was already too late.

"Ah, yes I expected it to be that. Well, I'll tell you a lot because it's private information. I do not speak about what we speak of and do in our sessions."

"I don't need to hear that, I just want to know if he is doing better? will he heal? is he still having those suicidal and bad thoughts?"

"hmm, Jimin is, doing better. he is healing slow but steady. it took me a while to get him to open up but now he realised everything he really wants to get better. he said to me himself he wants to t6ry everything to get over his past and move on. He is really strong Taehyung, you have a strong friend"

"friend...i'm afraid he doesn't see me as a friend anymore, i wasn't there for him from the start, i didn't see the signs..."

"He still cares for you, he spoke about you and this...Hobi guy a lot, even now he mentioned your names" Yoongi gave the younger a warm smile. "I'm sure he would love to meet up with you again when he gets released."

"really? I would be more than happy to see him... but you said release. when is that?"

"We have the date now set to end of this year. If it goes like this he will have one to two months for us to monitor him before he gets released from us. In case his condition suddenly gets worse, I don't think it will be bad. I think he will make it this year."

"i really hope so. He deserves better. He hasn't had one place where he was truly loved...I really hope he gets better and finally lives his own life the way he wants to." Taehyung smiled. Even if he hadn't seen Jimin in so long, he still cared for the others a lot.

"i hope so too"

"thankyou for meeting me again here and telling me" taehyung said and took a deep breath. "oh, I'm so sorry. I totally forgot to offer you a drink. Would you like something?"

"oh it's fine"

"Really if you want something just order i will pay. as a thank you"

"then i will take a single espresso" yoongi smiled and made himself comfortable in the seat.


"Jimin jimin!" Sooha said before jumping on Jimin's lap who was eating his lunch. "Look at this, I made this for you!" she said excitedly while putting the drawing in jimin's face.

"Sooha, not so close, I can't see, '' Jimin chuckled. and moved his head back to look at the drawing. Sooha made a yellow rose.

"A yellow rose?"

"Yes, and it's for you. take it!'' She smiled and waved the paper, wanting Jimin to take it from her hands and accept the drawing already.

"for me, really?" Jimin asked, putting the spoon down to take the drawing from her waving hand.

"yes yes, you said you wanted to become a rose right? so i made you rose" Sooha turned herself to sit more comfortably on jimin's lap taking a few from jimin's berries which were for him as a side snack.

"Hey, those are mine!" Jimin said and pushed the bowl further on the table. "Now get off if you only will steal my food" jimin frowned and put sooha back on the ground making her pout.

"But you like the drawing?"

"Yes," Jimin replied, sitting more of his soup.

"Great! i will tell seokjinnie" she hopped out of the room to go see seokjin who was outside calling on his phone.

Over the last month Jimin had spent more time with Sooha, she was leaving this month. He wanted to make her last days here fun, and in the process he got to know her more and more used to her. She was really a sweet kid to be around. yes she can be annoying sometimes but most of the time she was very sweet. He was a bit sad that she had to leave already so soon. unlike jimin who had been here for years already. well he only now realised everything so to him those years before did not fully count.

He was enjoying his lunch in silence when someone sat besides him. He didn't even have to look to know who it was. He just knew.

"Hey Jimin" yoongi's honey voice was heard and it immediately calmed jimin's tensed muscles. his heart beating faster from only hearing that voice. He couldn't help but smile and place his spoon back down.

"doctor" jimin turned his head to look at the other seeing a smile being returned to him.

"How are you? something happened while i was gone?"

"no, I have been with Sooha on the basketball field. it was fun...i had fun"

"That's good to hear." Yoongi moved his chair closer to the table so he was sitting with the other there waiting patiently for him to finish his lunch while stealing two of the berries. This time Jimin didn't say anything about it.

"hey yoongi...i have been thinking...." Jimin said softly, stirring his last bit of soup a bit nervously.

"about what?"

"i uh....i want to see jaesang again." Jimin said. "I want to try going there again"


its so hard to update this book. i really like the story itself but it takes so much time to write something, this chapter took me an hour. and all the thinking. thats why updates are so slow, i just dont feel motivated to start knowing i will be sitting here for at least an hour lol. anyway,

thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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