File 4: Jaesang

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Yoongi stood in the main hall looking at Jimin who was sitting at the table silently. Yoongi was observing the boy in silence. He saw how Jimin would look around the room like he was watching something. It must be his hallucinating images.

The raven decided to go to him after a while and walked towards the boy. "Hey Jimin," he said. the boy looked up at him a bit confused but then smiled.

"hello yoongi" he said.

"what are you doing?"

"i am sitting with my friend." jimin said.

"who is your friend?" Yoongi asked playing along for a bit.

"Taehyung." Jimin pointed across the table to the empty seat. "Taehyung came to visit me again today. he said he will take me out of here with him."

"do you want to leave?"

"Yes, i don't like it here. people just don't understand. i don't know why i am here, i am healthy i am fine" Jimin said. He did not realise at all how skinny he was and how bad his mental condition was. And he refused to even try and see it. something in the boy's head was wrong and made him unable to think properly and see things like the people around him do.

"people are taking good care of you here, isn't that a good thing?"

"yes but i don't need it."

"Why do you think you don't need it?" yoongi asked and sat down next to the boy.

"Like I said, I am healthy. I don't get why they keep saying I'm sick and treat me like I'm sick," Jimin frowned. "they don't believe me!"

"But why do you think you are not sick?" Yoongi asked, but the boy did not give a clear answer to his question.

"I-i don't know, i feel fine?" jimin said, questioning his own answer.

"and why do you feel fine? why are you not sick?"

"I don't know, you are making me very confused doctor '' Jimin frowned looking at the table. "I don't understand!"

"hey don't shout. just talk okay?"

"why are you asking me these things! I am heal;thy. i'm not sick! i don't want help!" Jimin stood up grabbing his head. when things like this happened his head began to hurt. "i hurts!" he shouted and hit his head with his hand. Yoongi quickly got up and grabbed the boy's wrists.

"don't hurt yourself Jimin," he said. in his eye she saw two guards walk in alarmed. They approached Jimin who immediately backed away from them.

"don't they hurt me, they are mean!" Jimin shouted pointing his finger at the guards.

"please, let me handle this. don't touch him okay" yYoongi said, stopping the guards. They looked at the nurse but decided to step back. Yoongi thanked them and turned to Jimin who was now sitting on the floor with wide eyes and a frown. he looked upset about something.

"Jimin.." yoongi sat down next to the boy.

"..." the boy didn't reply.

"Do you want to go back to your room with me? i will accompany you" Yoongi looked to the side. Jimin slowly nodded and got up following the older out back to his room.


It was cold, end winter Jimin walked over the streets with his school backpack filled with clothes, books and his toothbrush. He shivered trying ro rub his bruised arms warm with his hands. It was no use his hands were freezing as well. The young boy sat down on a bench feeling exhausted. He had been walking for who knows how long. he left before his father would return home from work. the man won't miss him anyway so he didn't feel bad about him. His father would have thrown him out of the house anyway when he would turn 18. And at this age Jimin could still easily find help. but he didn't know where to go.

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