File 18: city

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It was mid in the week, they waited until the weekend was over before going on their plan for their little trip out of the instituut, Yoongi didn't want to take the boy out on the most crowded days which were the weekends normally. he decided to go early in the morning right after breakfast. which he currently was having, well jimin was having. slowly eating a sandwich with a cup of hot tea. The boy was eating more and more, slowly getting to the proper meals, at dinner he wouldn't be able to fish a whole plate but he was showing good progress. he got almost back to a healthy weight, his body was still a bit thin and lacked muscles but he was looking better, his belly was now flat and no longer hollowed when he came here. Yoongi had a smile on his face the whole time he watched the boy eat. Jimin kept averting his eyes, feeling awkward and shy under the man; s eyes while he ate.

"s-stop staring," Jimin said softly with his mouth full of food.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it. '' Yoongi chuckled and sat back in the chair looking around the room where others were eating too.

"im done" jimin said after a while and he took the last gulp form his tea wiping his lips with his sleeve. already dirtying his shirt which he literally just put on.

"I will put this away, shall we then go?"

"Okay" Jimin replied he told himself he can do this, he was ready, he didn't have to be scared yoongi would be with him. He won't be alone. but still he felt very nervous and scared. He hadn't been outside in so long. What if he sees Jaesang? Jimin shivered at the thought but quickly shook his head. no.. he is in jail...he can't hurt you anymore jimin... he told himself and took a deep breath. He hadn't noticed the raven had walked off until he felt a hand on his shoulder. the patient was startled and snapped his head to the side, he quickly relaxed when he saw it was just yoongi.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Yoongi asked, seeing the boy looked anxious.

"yes...i want to get...better" jimin said, still not quite sure about that. but he will try. He was trying for yoongi.

"Okay, then let's go." Yoongi smiled and offered his hand, the boy took it and held the doctor's hand tightly while he walked to the front exit doors. The desk lady wished them a good day before they walked out. Jimin's nervousness was increasing with each stage they went. first leaving the building, now leaving the gates and then getting in the car of the doctor. the car he had memorized to see when yoongi came back after the weekend. He would sit in front of the window all morning to see the doctor's black car drive over the parking lot.


After a short drive to the city yoongi had parked the car near the park, and they would walk through there to slowly start. it was better than going to the center right away. The doctor looked at Jimin as he undid his seatbelt. Jimin had his head turned to the window looking outside with a strange expression, he looked tense.

"shall we go? or do you want to wait a bit"

"Let's...wait a bit here" Jimin replied looking at his lap, he didn't feel confident enough to get out of the car. He could see a mom and a child walk past the car which put the boy on guard, his eyes following the woman and her kid, ont trusting them.

"Okay, tell me when you are already. i will wait here with you.'' Yoongi sent the boy a smile as they waited together in the car. Jimin's eyes kept looking around. Was it safe out there? Will he looked at weirdly? Will people hate him? what if someone tries to hurt him again? he can't trust those people. Jimin closed his eyes and spoke mentally to himself. something he never did when he was with jaesang. He would just be blind and only hear jaesang in his head. But now Jimin was in control, Jimin was talking to himself telling him to do this, that it was okay, he wasn't alone. Yoongi noticed the boy was encouraging himself and smiled proudly. another progress in the boy's healing. Jimin will get better, Yoongi was sure of it.

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