File 24: packing

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A month had passed after Jimin had visited Jinsang that day. everything seemed to be going better for him. Everytime he had his session with Yoongi he spoke freely and without much effect, he would even say it didn't bother him. Jimin saw past the hurt now, he knew how to live with it. He was so determined to heal and not be so weak forever that he put everything in following yoongi's words. The doctor helped him a lot. And as promised this was his last few days here. He was allowed to leave after. so currently they are finishing up things. Jimin was collecting his things that he wanted to take outside with him while Yoongi was in his office fixing Jimin's files to be stored away.

"Hm, i don't have a lot do i?" jimin asked himself with a chuckled, he looked at the table where he set everything ready that he didn't keep in his own room, it was only a card game, few coloring gifts he received from the staff and lastly his own task book that was previously in yoongi's office. It was like a calendar with on each day the planned tasks for him to complete. He had decided to take that with him, even though Yoongi suggested throwing it away, Jimin wanted to keep it. He wanted to have at least one thing to remind himself of his time here, to remind himself that he was strong by overcoming everything and growing into his new self. that he really did all this. So with a smile he added it to the rather small box on the table. He was only leaving some clothes here for the last two days, but other things he was already packing them up. He had folded them neatly on the drawer a set for each day. He was pretty organized.

"Hm" Jimin had opened his drawers and closet and found the ice cream tissue again. he smiled. a happy memory. he put it in the box as well. He was happy to leave and finally try to live. but not everything was so happy. his mind soon enough traveled to yoongi. holding the photo they took in his hand. What will happen now? He doesn't want to leave yoongi. he wants to stay with him. He doesn't want to let go of him. He doesn't want Yoongi to have another patient and forget about him. He didn't like it. Jimin's smile faded and he teared up. He only wanted Yoongi, he had grown attached to the other, not just as his physiatrist but more. He saw him as more than just a doctor. He enjoyed the times they were not spending at work, the visits to the city, the ice cream treats and the casual walks in the garden. the baseball games they had. Everything. He doesn't want to say goodbye. Jimin dried his teary eyes with his sleeve. not noticing the door opening.

"Jimin..." it was yoongi..who else. The doctor had been standing there for a while but hadn't said anything yet. He didn't want to interrupt Jimin but seeing the boy crying he got worried and decided to make some noise letting the other know he was there. His eyes traveled to the picture in Jimin's hands. The photo that the younger quickly hid behind his back when he noticed Yoongi was there.

"a-ah, i...i didn't see you"

"what's wrong?" yoongi asked walking to the other.

"nothing....just..packing.." Jimin said, looking away and pretending he was putting more things inside the box. not that he had much to still pack. almost everything was already inside.

"Are you sure?" Yoongi raised a brow. today he looked a little different. not he himself but his outfit. He wasn't wearing the professional suit anymore, he was wearing a regular black shirt and jeans. He wasn't here to work today, it was actually his day off but he was here to finish off the last documents and information that had to be reported before he could close Jimin's job and send him off, and of course visit jimin. "you know you can tell me anything. that you're going doesnt mean i wont be there for you anymore"

Jimin kept silent looking at the box. His hand is still hiding the photo behind his leg. "i....i don't want to leave"

"you don't? but i thought you wanted to, you looked so excited"

"I do but...I don't want to leave you. i-i will go. you will just get a new patient and forget about me...i will miss you.."

"Jimin, i have told you" yoongi smiled with a small chuckle and wrapped an arm around the boy. "I am not leaving you, I promised you didnt i?"


"Yes Jimin, I won't leave you. we will do many more things together if you want to"


"because i love you" Yoongi said. He knows he shouldn't be but it happened and today he got his day off. so he will speak as himself and not in a business way.

"" Jimin looked very surprised to hear that.

"yes. I just couldn't tell you. it wasn't the time."

"but why me?"

"because you're a beautiful person inside and out, you are also very strong. you really make my heart warm."

"yoongi..." Jimin teared up again and then suddenly hugged the raven. wrapping his arms around yoongi tightly. The older smiled and hugged back warmly.

"I will be there to see you bloom, i won't leave you" yoongi whispered, feeling jimin hide his face in his neck. He was glad to have said this to the boy. He had been keeping it inside for so long and now it was out it felt relieved. He was glad to have this off his chest now.

"i-i love you too....thank you" Jimin said not realising he almost crumbled the photo in his hand from hugging yoongi too tight. but even if he did it was okay. Because he knows they will make more happy photos to remember. more days spent together. not anymore as work but as regular humans. as Yoongi and Jimin. not doctor and patient.


next chapter is the last. small time skip there again lol. i hope to see you there as well, thank you again for reading!


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