File 9: scars

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it's been over a year now in this house. Finally Jimin was allowed outside. He stood in front of the door in the sun, the summer weather warming his skin and the sun sending him the natural vitamins it needed. He took a deep breath. He had only five minutes, he had to count them himself. he was on two now.

The boy sat down on the stairs of the front door and looked at the grass. The man lived near a sandy land road. no wonder no one ever came to knock or heard him scream. there really was no one around them to ever hear him. He sighed, he could run. He could try it. maybe he will find someone.

"No I can't....I can't leave," Jimin said. He knew he shouldn't leave. Jaesang saved his life and he let him live in this house. He can't leave him just like that.

The boy stood up at what he thought was five minutes and headed back inside. He didn't want to go back; he wanted to stay in the fresh air. not the air of smoke and sour alcohol. His boyfriend drank a lot more lately and left his spilled drinks on the floor not caring to clean after him. He would just tell Jimin to do it, and if the boy refused he would lock him in the bathroom a whole day.

"Jimin" the voice of Jaesang was heard when Jimin closed the door behind him, he didn't like the tone the man had and gulped.


"I told you FIVE minutes...didn't i?" Jaesang spat and moved closer.

"yes you did"

"then why do you return after eight?" Jaesang gripped jimins cheeks with his hand sueezing it firmly between his fingers.

"I-i didn't know the time, i counted!"

"Then you didn't do it right"

"you shouldn't have given me a timer. I would be inside at five exactly. i-i maybe counted to slow" jimin said, jaesang released his chin and the boy rubbed it with his hand.

"So you're telling me it's MY fault now?" jaesang lifted his brows and unbuckled his belt. Jimin's eyes went wide in horror and he stepped back.

"n-no i didn't, im sorry, i didn't"

"im your boyfriend, dont you date blame me for YOUR OWN fucking mistakes! you shoulnd't have counted properly, everyone can count. or are you just too pathetic to do so?" Jaesang said and grabbed the boy's arm pulling him into the bathroom. Jimin tried to get his arms free while begging him to not do it, but Jaesang didn't listen, the man never listened.

"Take off your shirt," Jaesang said, glaring at the boy holding the belt in his hand.


"I said take it off," Jaesang repeated in a warning tone. Jimin shivered and removed his shirt slowly. "now turn around and get on your knees."

Jimin did as told sitting down on his knees. his back exposed to the man. There was a long silence. but the silence was broken by a painful cry. Jaesang hit the boy with the belt watching a new red line appear on his damaged delicate skin. Jimin shrunk smaller from the pain as a second hit was felt.

"You need to learn Jimin, can't have you disobey me!" Jaesang said, swinging the belt again, and again, and again, and again. He kept going until the boy was flat on the ground crying in pain and the kin was bleeding to his liking.

The whipping form the belt stopped. Jimin closed his eyes thinking he could finnaly relax his body and just lay there. but he was wrong. Jaesang kicked against his shoulder turning the boy on his back. the boy hissed and gasped feeling his back sting painfully when he laid on the open wounds of his back.

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