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"Jimin!" his father shouted. The boy who had already turned 16 flinched awake and his eyes widened in fear. his father stood next to his bed looking down on him. wearing his suit they always wore to work.


"I am leaving for work, you better have this mess you made clean before i get back" his father spat and walked away shutting the door behind him with a bang. Jimin looked down pulling his bruised legs up to his chest. Since the incident with his mother cheating everything took a turn. His once so sweet father turned into someone he feared. since mother left he began to show less and less love to Jimin, often forgetting him at dance class or school. Jimin would have to walk all the way home sometimes in the cold or in the storm. but his father didn't seem to care when he got home all wet or shivering from the cold. all he would say was 'oh' or a 'dinner is ready'. but even those monotone comments soon changed to insults.

The first time his father raised his hand at him was the most painful. The boy returned home from a friend and saw his father in the kitchen. He had walked up to him a bit hesitant.

"dad?" he had said softly. the man turned around and his face angered.

"where were you! i was at school but you were not there!" his father shouted. Jimin stepped back scared. "were you with that friend of yours huh?!" his father grabbed Jimin's arm firmly. "were you slutting around just like her?! you gay shit" thats when his father for the first time raised his hand and slapped him just like the did to his mother when he was just eleven. It hurted him in his feelings more than the physical pain. never he through his father would hit him, he hoped he would never do such a thing.

but things sadly took this turn. and now when he was sixteen it was a daily thing he went through. not only hits a slap. his father had also moments he would just kick him or throw something at him. just like he threw things at his mother when she was still home.

Jimin got out of bed finally not bothering to get dressed and went to get a wet towel. He cleaned away all the alcohol stains and glass shards from the floor. Last night his father had gotten angry and threw his beer glass at him, it shattered and wasn't cleaned. Jimin sighed seeing unfamiliar clothes on the ground. probably form one of the girls and ladies his father would bring home. those people would see him, some didn't care even the slightest when they saw the bruised and hurt boy pass by with speed to not be seen. and some felt concerned and asked his father. but the man would just tell them to shut up and not look at his son. After that his father would hit him saying he ruined his night by walking in on them. But Jimin couldn't hold his pee forever. He had to go down eventually to pee or drink something. He also had to do homework. and His bag was usually still downstairs at that moment.

After two hours he finally cleaned the whole house and took a seat on the couch staring at the tv which was softly playing a cartoon. He smiled at the images and had a good time. well that was until his father returned home. He flinched hearing the front door shut with a bang. quickly he reached for the remote but dropped it in his panic.

"no no no" he mumbled already seeing his father in the corner of his eye. the man dropped his bag next to the table and walked to his son.

"Jimin" he said sternly and glared at the boy who finally managed to turn off the tv.

"y-yes?" Jimin said without daring to look up.

"Did i allow you to watch tv?" the man asked. when he saw jimin not look at him he grabbed the boy's hair and made him turn his head looking at him. "look at me when i'm talking to you"

"i-im sorry," the boy said.

"that's not what i asked, I asked you, did I allow you to watch tv?"

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