File 8: vitamins

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Jimin was alone.

He sat on the floor on his knees trying to remove the stain he created on his boyfriend's wooden floor. Jaesang was his boyfriend. Even if Jimin didn't want to, Jaesang said he needed him to love him to make him feel better. And Jimin couldn't refuse, knowing he would get hurt if he did. Jaesang wasn't accepting 'no' for an answer.

"come on...." Jimin rubbed harder but the stain would come off. If Jaesang saw this he was going to be mad. The house always needed to look clean. Jimin was cleaning a lot, he didn't eat all day until Jaesang got home. Which was asking a lot of him right now. He felt more exhausted each day and he felt very nauseous with his hurting stomach. He had to eat. But he knew he wasn't allowed to. Jaesang will notice if he takes something

"maybe.....Just an apple?" jimin mumbled to himself. He didn't have anyone to talk to that would actually listen to him. So he spoke to himself a lot when he was alone. He needed some sort of communication.

The blonde's eyes looked at the fruit bowl on the table where four apples were between the oranges and one banana. Jimin's stomach growled painfully and he held his stomach. He wanted to eat so bad. Jaesang was gone all day and it was getting late. Jimin hasn't eaten anything yet.

The boy stood up walking to the table and grabbed one apple he hesitated and checked the time. Jaesang should t come home in over and hour so Jimin had time. He bit the apple and after one bite he ate faster. Chomping the apple away in bites. He was very hungry.

Suddenly when he was finished the door unlocked and opened. Jimin's eyes widened seeing Jaesang stand in the doorway looking at him...No not at him, he was looking at the eaten apple in his hands.

"Jiminie, what are you doing?" Jaesang said and closed the door, locking it behind him.


"don't lie Jimin, you know it's bad," Jaesang walked closer, his eyes glaring but his lips shaped a smile.

"i-i was eating......I was just so hungry and i thou-"


Jimins face turned to the side and he bit his lip feeling the painful sting on his cheek. Jaesang scoffed and grabbed the boy's arm pulling him after him.

"w-what are you doing?'' Jimin asked in a panic. He thought they were going to go to the bedroom. But he was wrong. They entered the bathroom and Jaesang pushed him towards the toilet making the boy stumble and fall on his knees in front of the pot.

"empty your stomach from the apple," Jaesang said, crossing his arms as he stared down at the boy.


"throw it up, i want to see you throw everything up."

"why?" jimin asked he didn't want to be hungry more than he already was.

"because you're already fat, you should be skinny. If you were more skinny I wouldn't have to hurt you, I would love you more" Jaesang said. Jimin looked down. So Jaesang hurted him because he was ugly? If he became skinny the older would show him love?

At first hesitant Jimin brought his hand to his lips. Glancing at Jaesang once more before he pushed two fingers to the back of his throat. He gagged before throwing up. It wasn't much, a few times was enough to empty his stomach.

"See it isn't so hard Baby, now come here" Jaesang kneeled down next to the boy. He used a paper towel to wipe Jimin's plump lips. Smiling at all the dirty and sadistic thoughts in his head. All the things he could do to this boy.

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