File 25: Bloom (end)

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It was his last day,

Jimin stood inside his room, the room where he spent the past few years of his life. most unpleasant years, but years where he healed as well. Years he spent getting better and overcoming his past. All leading to this day. Jimin was wearing some of his own clothes he received from Taehyung who sent those to the institute for Jimin to receive. He wore a rather colorful striped shirt and some casual wide blue jeans. his feet in some white sneakers he still had from when he came here. He looked...normal. It felt good to wear something which wasn't chosen by the doctors or the uniform they got here. He had his own colors now. Jimin was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice Yoongi standing next to him.

"Jimin" the raven said getting jimin's attention. the boy turned his head and smiled at his former doctor. "It's time to go"

Jimin nodded. was about to grab the box from the table that he had packed yesterday but Yoongi got it before him. giving him a warm smile.

"let me carry this for you"

"thank you" Jimin smiled again and they walked to the door going outside the room. Jimin noticed something when closing the door. The nameplate that was usually next to the door had changed. His card was replaced by a blank one. The 'Park Jimin' is gone. the room didn't belong to him anymore. He was really leaving, slowly this realisation got to him more and more. this was really coming to an end, he was really going outside on his own, no longer monitored by people and cameras, just him and yoongi.

"The room will be given to the new patient eventually '' Yoongi said, seeing Jimin stare at the spot. "You will be living in a new home, a nice and warm home. a place you can really call home...i hope" yoongi said the last two words to himself. he wasn't sure, he really hoped jimin will be able to call his new place 'home' one day.

"It's okay, I just noticed the changes. But I'm okay, I'm leaving now," Jimin nodded and spoke some encouraging words to himself mentally while walking through the halls, all the way to the front desk area where a guard stood at the door guarding everyone who went in and out.

"Jimin, Yoongi!" a familiar voice was heard. The two turned around seeing Seokjin hurry his way towards them. "wait up"

"Seokjin" jimin smiled and greeted the other. Seokjin returned the smile and looked at him.

"You're leaving now aren't you?"

jimin nodded.

"I'm so proud of you. I heard many things about you and your recovery, you're a strong person. And I am very happy to see you walk out with new confidence and your new self. I wish you all the best. but i'm sure yoongi will keep me updated" the older chuckled a bit and then gave the other a nod. "We will meet each other again someday. I'm sure of it, for now. take care, and be happy Jimin, you deserve it"

"thank you" jimin teared up a bit and he rubbed his eyes pushing the tears back. Giving Seokjin the big smile he felt like showing and turned to the guard who also smiled at them.

"I am happy for you Jimin, take care now." the guard said and opened the door for them letting the two walk out. He was always happy to see the patients leave, it was a good sight, seeing people heal and leave to go their new lives.

"So, this is up to you now." Yoongi said and put the box down for a moment while nudging to the front desk where the lady was already looking at Jimin happily. a warm and inviting expression on her face.

"Jimin, come" she said waving her hand at the boy. She knew Jimin very well, she had been hearing about his recovery and the stories from Yoongi whenever they would ask to leave the building and eventually came back. she was happy to be the one that closed Jimin's file.

"Hello" Jimin said, a little nervous when he stood in front of the lady.

"Give me your wrist first." She got her scissors and waited for Jimin to extend his arm, which the boy did. watching the lady who cut his wristband off. "you want to keep this or can i throw it away?"

"i...I want to keep it," Jimin said, taking the band from her palm. He didn't want to throw it away just yet. He wanted to keep it. like a souvenir from this place. yes he wants to get better but that doesn't mean he wants to forget everything.

"Of course no problem" she smiled and took out jimin's documents. handing jimin the final page. "i need you to sign here, and then everything is closed and you can leave freely"

"Okay" Jimin took the pen and looked at the papers, it all said that his recovery was finished and all his details about his mental and physical health at this very moment or leaving the institute. He saw Yoongi's confirmation signature at the bottom as well, they only needed the patient's now. "Okay jimin" he said to himself and signed the paper. A new determined feeling waking up inside of him, he will start the new chapter of his life.

"Thank you" she took the paper back and put it in the folder, closing and sealing it with a stamp. "We will add this to the archive." She looked at Jimin and Yoongi who got the box back and stood behind jimin. "Jimin, I am very happy for you and wish you all the best. take care, but I'm sure you will be okay. we believe in you" she smiled.

"thank you" jimin bowed at her respectfully and turned to yoongi giving him a nod which told each other he was ready. This was it, the moment he had lived to be here. All his efforts were for this moment. the moment he stepped foot outside this place and was on his own. the moment he wasn't tied to schedule and meetings with a doctor. the time he can live again.

"There," Yoongi said and closed the car trunk. looking at jimin who stood next to the car looking up at the sun.

"It feels strange knowing I won't come back here again."

"I bet it does," Yoongi chuckled. He will be coming back here often, he worked here after all. He just got a new addition to himself, a special someone to love without any rules or restrictions.

"But I am happy, I am really happy," Jimin smiled with teary eyes which met yoongi's warm ones.

"i am too jimin, i am too.'' Yoongi opened the car door for the other and Jimin stepped inside watching Yoongi step behind the wheel and turn on the engine. Jimin was finally free, he was going to live his own life now. his new life. a new life, not alone but with yoongi. He smiled wide to himself while staring outside the window at the passing street. it felt perfect, jimin knew he would be okay. there will be some complications too, that is almost always there. But Jimin knew he would overcome them, because now he had the space to be himself.

He now has the space to bloom into the beautiful flower he will be.

--- i finished this. aaaaah thank you al so so so much for reading and the support on this book. 🥺❤i did some new things in this story and i hope you enjoyed it. 

i am happy to finish this story, it was such a long road it felt, i put all my best effort into this and hope more people will enjoy the story eventually. Thank all the readers who followed since the start you were really a good support, even if it didnt have much reads your comments gave me new motivation to make each chapter better. 🌼💕🐣

I wish you all a happy day and hope you all bloom into a beautiful flower as well. and maybe i can greet you in an other book too. thank you again for reading! take care!🌹


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