File 6: neck

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Jimin woke up with a painful headache. But not only that he was woken up by the pain in his neck when he turned his head to the side. He moved his hand up feeling his skin and hissed when it hurt. Jimin's eyes opened and he looked around.

He Forgot.....

The realization kicked in again and the tears sprung in his eyes. He wanted to go.....Home was better than here. For the first time in years.. he wanted to go home.

"Ah you're awake" a scary familiar voice said. Jimin looked to the side seeing Jaesang sitting on a chair watching him.

Jinin didn't reply but just pulled his legs up and the blanket wrapping it around him to cover as much of him as he could. Inside he hoped the bed would eat him so he was away from this man's eyes. 

Jaesang didn't seem to appreciate jimin's silence and hummed in a passive aggressive way.

"here, have something to eat" the man stood up grabbing the plate of food that was next to him. He sat down next to the boy on the bed, the boy who only shrunk more into the blanket the closer the man came. Jimin was scared of him.

"here" Jaesang put the fork with food in front of jimin's face. Jimin looked at the man. "its normal food, see" the man took a bite himself to let the boy know it wasn't poisoned or anything. "now eat it" 

Jimin wanted to grab the form from Jaesang but the man slapped his hand away with a glare. "i feed you" he said and put the fork back in front of the boys face. Then silently and a bit hesitant jimin accepted the bite. He let the man feed him the whole meal. Jinin was very hungry and kept eating until the whole plate was empty.

"Good boy," Jaesang said and patted the boy's head. "such a cute kid you are"

"..Why?" jimin said the first thing after he woke up a second time here.

"why what?" jaesung asked, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Why did you do.....That...To me" the boy said. He wanted to know why he deserved that to happen. Why the man decided to do this. 

"you are cute, i like cute boys. I want them to be mine. So you will be mine too."

"t-the police will find me...."

"the police'' Jaesang chuckled. "no no little boy, they wont. No one will even report you missing. You dont have a home do you?" jaesang ran his fingers through the boy's hair before gripping in and pulling his head up to face him properly. "i will keep you all to myself, my cute doll"

"I hate you," Jimin spat and pulled his head away from the man. Jaesangs expression darkened and he sat back taking a breath. 

"If you dare to speak against me like that, I will leak the video on the dark web....It spreads fast Jimin" the man grinned. He held his phone which was showing a video recording of what happened. Jimin could see the whole event in the bedroom on the screen and looked away covering his ears from the sounds of his own pleads and crying. He felt disgusted of his body now. Jaesang had touched him in ways he didn't want to be touched, at least not yet and not like this.

"see, so shut your pretty lips and obey me" Jaesand put the video away and stood up. "shower, take whatever clothes you like. I expect you to be clean when you come downstairs" and with that he left the room. 


Jimin stood in the small bathroom. He had just showered and was wearing his boxers and white shorts, the shirt in his hand. He was staring at himself. 

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