File 5: dinner

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[warning rape, read at own risk]

Jaesang pulled the boy with him towards the stairs. Jimin was confused about what was happening, he got pushed inside the bedroom he woke up earlier and Jaesang closed the door locking it.

"i-i can clean your house" Jimin said, he was good at that and said it hoping the man would change thoughts, but it didn't seem to be working.

"No Jimin, I want what I want. And you have to repay me anyway. I could have just left you to die hm?" Jaesang said and touched Jimin's cheek with his hand. "you don't want to die would you?"

Jimin slowly shook his head. He really didn't want to die, he wanted to get his life back, that's why he was running away from his home. He wanted to get out before his father would do something worse. Because now he was still in a state of mind where he could make decisions like that and saw a better thing in the future.

"see, you should be grateful. I save your life. Now do something back for me, please." Jaesang put on almost a crying expression, his eyes getting puffy and teary. "m-my mother passed away and my girlfriend left me....please."

Jimin looked at the man that was on the verge of crying now. He felt bad. He didn't know Jaesang's mother just died, maybe that's why the man acted so strangely. "what do you need?" he asked

"you, just for today. after that you can leave i promise" Jaesang said looking up with a sad expression. "I just want to experience it remind me of my girlfriend"

"i-i don't know, I shouldn't. i'm not even eighteen yet." Jimin said and frowned a bit. He didn't want to do that now knowing what the man was talking about.

"Come on, it will feel good," Jaesang said, nearing the boy. Jimin stepped back not liking the closeness of them. "Jimin, you owe me this"

"I don't want to do this," Jimin said, feeling his back hit the wall. Jaesang grinned and pinned the boy to the wall again. but this time he didn't speak so he put his hand in the boy's neck taking a deep sniff before sucking the soft skin. "Jaesang get off!" the boy said trying to get free, but the man was much stronger than him.

"fuck i want to feel you already" Jaesand mumbled and pulled down the boys shorts with one hand while the other pinned the boy's wrist above his head. He grinned and removed the boys boxers feeling between the boys legs with a firm hand.

"Stop stop!" Jimin said and kicked the man but Jaesang just scoffed and turned around pushing Jimin on the bed roughly. He unbuckled his pants and neared the bed. watching the boy crawl away, his brown eyes staring at the young boy's slim legs he licked his lips and got on the bad grabbing the boy's ankles. He could hear him scream when he pulled him back to the middle.

"Let me go, please! help!"

"No one can hear you here kid," Jaesang said, enjoying the boy's eyes that got teary. He flipped him onto his back and forced the boy's legs up. "now be a good boy and sit still"

Jimin pushed against the man's chest and clawed at the skin. The tight grip the man had on his thighs was hurting him. but that was nothing compared to what he felt when something long got pushed inside of him. He screamed at the painful feeling and started to cry. "it hurts!"

"so tight, I love it" Jaesang chuckled and started thrusting while looking at the boy's expression. seeing it turned him on even more. "look how pretty"

"please stop, i-i will do anything"

"Shut your pretty lips okay" Jaesang said and brought a hand up to the boy's neck squeezing it tightly in his hand. He could see the boy gasp for air. Jaesang only chuckled seeing how his fingers digged into the boy's soft neck while pounded mercilessly into the boy he wasn't planning on letting go any time soon....maybe even never.

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