File 12: break

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it was early in the morning and Yoongi had just taken Jimin's breakfast meal from the kitchen. He bumped into Seokjin when he was heading to Jimin's room.

"hey yoongi!" Seokjin said, giving his friend a smile.

"Hey Jin"

"So how is Jimin doing?"

"It's alright. He is willing to see his ex, I hope it will trigger his memories to come back. I'm a bit worried about the outcome, but I think it needs to be done, Jimin hase to realise the situation. which he doesn't know." yoongi sighed.

"I see, yea it may get worse, but you're right that he needs to remember it all" Seokjin said. "I suppose he is eating, seeing you carry that meal," the older man said , pointing to the tray Yoogni held.

"Yes, im happy he eats now, he still can't eat big meals. so the kitchen is making him personalised small meals which will give him everything he needs. He is off his fluids now so it's some progress" Yoongi smiled talking about it, he was happy about the boy eating, he could see the color return in his skin making it more honey like than pale. Jimin was looking healthier ech few days. "i gotta go give this to him now, i will see you probably tomorrow, i'm leaving at lunch"

"ah that's alright, see you tomorrow and goodluck!" Seokjin smiled, waving at the raven who walked away after their goodbyes.

Yoongi walked all the way to Jimin's room and knocked on the door before walking in. when he was inside he didn't see anyone. He was a bit confused why the boy wasn't in his room. Jimin was always on the bed or at the window in the mornings, so it was odd seeing him not here.

"Jimin?" he called putting the tray down to enter further into the room and look around. But the room was empty, the bed had been slept in so the boy did sleep after last night. Yoongi checked the bathroom but it was empty as well, he could tell Jimin haad brushed his teeth seeing the toothbrush was still wet. so jimin just woke up and left probably. Yoongi took the tray with him and left the room going to the main hall.

Jimin would be here often around lunch so yoongi supposed the boy must he gone to here. And he was right. on the floor near the middle sat Jimin. he was staring at the window. Yoongi saw his back and walked closer, putting the tray on the table.

"Morning jimin" he said, kneeling next to the other. Jimin didn't acknowledge him but just pointed at the window.

"there is someone outside" he said. Yoongi looked up at the window seeing nothing odd. just the field and playground for kids. There was no one outside that was out of place.

"What do you mean?"

"someone is watching me"

"who is watching you?"

"I don't know, I don't recognize them. I can't see his face. He is a scary doctor," Jimin said and looked at yoongi.

"Whoever it is, he can't hurt you here, you're safe here" Yoongi smiled and stood up, extending his hand to the other. Jimin looked at the hand with a puzzled face, he didn't see something in yoongi's hand.

"Come on, i will help you up"

"oh.." Jimin took his hand and let the older one pull him up on his feet.

"i brought you breakfast. it's a bit sweeter this time, you said you didn't like salty" yoongi said taking off the cover of the plate. jimin nodded sitting down at the table looking at the bowl of rice with the egg on top. He smiled, there was no soya this time. it was too salty and made him feel sick.

"thank you" jimin said, taking the fork. He had tried eating with the chopsticks but his hands were still too unsteady to keep the controlled pressure and the food would keep on falling. so yoongi brought the food with a fork, knife and a spoon now. He sat down on front of the other as company and watched how the outgrown blonde haired boy poked the egg yellow making the yolk spread over the rice. Jimin stirred it with his slightly shaky hand before eating it.

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