File 19: own voice

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later that day yoongi had returned to the workplace, holding a new folder in his hands, he had prepared a new and fresh documents for Jimin to work on from now on, the other ones were not needed anymore. he was showing such good progress that he can move on to the next step again. he will let the boy learn to live with the memories and not let them affect him immediately, he will give him better things to look forward to and experience. He used his keycard to enter the other section of the building and took the elevator up to Jimin's floor. He was looking forward to it. He was excited to see Jimin again. With a smile on his face he entered the boy's room after knocking a few times, closing the door behind him.

"Jimin?" he called in the room as he entered. He noticed Jimin wasn't in sight. Yoongi placed the folder on the table and looked around, his eyes falling on the ball in the corner near the bathroom door. "ah, Jiminie..." he kneeled down next to the boy and gently woke him up. Noticing some tried tears on his cheek wich made yoongi's heart clench. why was he crying?

Jimin woke up blinking a few times from the bright setting sun that shone into his room. He covered his eyes with a hand and whined a little not liking the brightness when he woke up.

"y-yoongi?" he said softly, seeing the man in front of him. He quickly rubbed his cheeks to get the dried tears away. He didn't want Yoongi to know why he cried.

"What happened, why were you crying?"

"n-nothing" jimin whispered and got up without making eye contact. which Yoongi noticed. It was pretty obvious.

"Jimin, you can tell me anything. you know that right?"

"i know..but i don't want to talk about this"

"That's okay. i wont ask further than" yoongi said but in his head he really wanted the boy to tell him what was wrong, but he shouldn't force the other to say anything if he didn't want to. it won't be good of him to do such a thing, and definitely not when jimin is a mental patient, that is just wrong to do. Jimin won't take it well if he did so, it can damage his trust in him.

Jimin looked at the ground seeing the napkin had failed from his lap. He quickly snatched it away checking if Yoongi saw it, which he did. But Jimin quickly shoved it back in the dresser before the doctor could say something about it.

"I'm hungry, doctor," Jimin said. It surprised the others a lot. It's the first time I heard Jimin ask for food out of himself. Normally it was Yoongi telling him it was time, a lot of the times Jimin said he didn't want to even eat. but this was great, the boy knew he needed to eat.

"I came to get you for dinner, it should be ready for you. shall we head to the hall?"


Yoongi looked at Jimin leaving ahead of him. Something was different about the boy. He didn't know what because he wouldn't tell him. but there was definitely something troubling him. He always was this silent around him but not like...this. it felt different, jimin's eyes were sad. they were not empty like before, but just sad. but still yoongi wont force him to tell. So he just stood up as well following his patient to the hall. one of the staff bringing him the personalized meal. Yoongi had the pills jimin still needed to take, he had put them in a small box where he can sort them out into batches.

"It smells nice, have I eaten this before?" Jimin asked, smelling the meal.

"I don't think I have given you this here before, it's a famous foreign meal. Mexican wraps. but not spicy. I know you don't like spicy food. eat how much you can, it might be a bit too much."

'' That's okay '' Jimin said, he had to get better. but he didn't want means he won't see Yoongi again, he won't be his patient anymore. He was eating his food and already teared up again, his lip wobbled when he wiped it with the tissue.

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