File 1: Illusion

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Jimin was usually the last to wake up in the house. His mother was already downstairs making herself a cup of tea or watching the tv. His father was already at work leaving him and his mother alone until around dinner. Jimin just turned eleven this week and felt really happy, he would call himself a big boy and attend dance classes, his mother promised to pay for a sport when he turned eleven. And today was his third day and he was very excited. He had an amazing teacher and nice group of fellow dance kids. He made friends quickly.

Just like every morning he hopped out of his bed and put on his dance clothes his mother gave him as a birthday present. they were not the richest people so big presents were not a thing. Either way Jimin was more than happy with the dance classes, he didn't need another present.

"Goodmorning mom!" The young Jimin said and hugged his mother who stood in the kitchen. the tv playing softly in the background from the living room.

"morning Jimin, are you ready for your dance lesson?" she asked and smiled.


"Then go sit and have your breakfast, we will leave in a bit" his mother said and put the milk with the cereal on the table. Jimin immediately snatched the box cereal and filled his bowl of milk with a lot of the sweet rings he loved eating.

all morning always went like that, it was nice and a returning routine just like many other people and families had. But that all changed when he was along that evening. His father was getting their dinner while Jimin walked inside their house hearing his father's car drive away. He didn't know where his mother was, she should be picking him up from his friend today but the women would pick up the phone. so his father went to get him after his work.

"Mom?" he called out dropping his bag on the floor and kicking off his shoes. Abandoning his bag in the hallway he walked inside the house feeling the carpet under his feet not letting the cold floor get to his feet. "mom?!" he called out louder. He ran up the stairs into the bathroom. "mom?" there was no one. he pouted and went to his parent's bedroom. when he opened the door it was dark inside. so he searched for the light with his hand. When he turned on the light he frowned confused. his mother was sleeping in bed.

why couldn't she pick him up if she had time to sleep? the young boy walked to the side of the bed and shook his mother awake with an annoyed face. "mom! wake up"

his mother shot awake and she looked at Jimin then her eyes widened. "j-jimin, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"Chen's mother called you but you were not picking up. dad had to get me" jimin said, frowning at his mother. the women's eyes widen.

"a-ah i forgot, why don't you go downstairs and watch some tv. i will come in a bit"

"i dont wanna watch tv, dad is getting dinner, i'm hungry"

"just go downstairs okay" his mother sounded odd. she smiled a strange smile. Jimin was about to do what she said when suddenly someone else sat up next to his mother. it was an unknown man.

"who are you?" jimin asked the new man who was clearly not wearing anything seeing his naked torso and a part of his hip.

"Huh?" the man looked around him a bit confused and clearly not fully awake.

"this a friend! yes" his mother said and pushed Jimin away gently. "get out of my room, dont tell dad anything"

"why?" jimin asked. he was too young to fully realise what this all was about. it wasn't the first thing he would think about.

ILLUSION [yoonmin]Where stories live. Discover now