File 11: confusion

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the weekend passed, Jimin sat in his room on his bed, like most of the time. He rarely sat at the table for some unknown reason. only when Yoongi brought him food and sat there with him. Jimin didn't feel like he could just sit there something was holding him back. But he didnt not question himself and just sat on his bed which felt comfortable.

Jimin was looking at a photo he found between his old clothes, he found it in the pair of pants that were laying on his lap. It had gotten a bit wet from probably the washing machine and made parts blurry. but it was still clearly visible that on the left it was Jimin himself. On the side was someone else, someone much taller than him this Jimin looked young. He didn't remember what age he was. He looked 17 or something close to that maybe? But the person next to him isn't recognizable, the photo was ripped and it cut off the man's head and a part of Jimin's head but not his face. Jimin noticed he didn't look actually happy in the photo and frowned at it.

"Why do i have this?" he asked not remembering ever taking a photo like this. His eyes examined it further and he looked at the hand that was holding Jimin's waist, the man's fingers almost digging into the flesh seeing the tips disappear in his sides covered by the fabric of the White shirt. Looking at it Jimin felt his waist where the hand was on the photo and suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Why was this man holding him like that? Jimin didn't like the way the man held him on the photo and put it down pushing it away from him, the photo made him uncomfortable and feel weird. He didn't like it, he didn't want to see it.

He stood up and folded the pants before sighing and just throwing it into the corner, he didn't want to wear it anyway. But as soon he did that he regretted it and grabbed it putting it in its drawer. He cant make a mess, he shouldn't make a mess. Jimin looked outside at the night sky seeing some headlights of cars drive by on the main road in the distante. lantern polos lighting up the road. his eyes fell on the parking lot where cars were parked one car in particular caught his eyes. It was the black one that was parked the closest to the entrance.

Yoongi's car.

Jimin had asked yoongi what his car looked like, Jimin looked outside, often trying to memorize which car was from workers and which was not. something he still couldn't do but he had something to do when he couldn't sleep or was alone in his room waiting. "so yoongi is still here?" he mumbled to himself and turned around, his eyes falling again on the photo that was now on the ground. He shivered. He could feel a hand on his waist. The heavy feeling of the hand was felt through his shirt. Jimin's eyes changed from an empty gaze to a scared gaze. His hands started to tremble as he could feel an unknown person stand close against him fleeing the hot chest against his back. the fingers digging into his waist.

"No no. NO!" Jimin shouted and jolted away shaking his head. the feeling disappeared from his body seeing no one in his room. He kneeled down grabbing the photo with a distressed face, he ripped it in two and ran out of his room. searching for distraction desperately. He could feel his head bonking, the headache kicking in again. He put his hands on the side of his head and groaned hitting his forehead against the wall.

"Stop hurting!" he shouted at himself and slid down. His body was cold. He felt alone.

"I'm not sick..I'm not sick..I'm not fine. im fine" He told himself and swayed back and forth on his knees. "I'm gonna play with taehyung, everything will be fine" Jimin muttered softly. "its cold...why is it cold" For himself it was odd he was cold. For any other person it was obvious. in the halls it was quite chilly for the hot summer weather outside of the center. but Jimin was only wearing his thin pajamas which were shorts and a t-shirt. Not a surprise he would feel cold.

Jimin was staring at the white wall in front of him humming to himself with teary eyes when he slowly stood up. He didn't know what to do. He didn't understand these feelings. He didn't know what was happening to him when he was sure he wasn't sick. there was nothing wrong with him. His long but skinny legs walked through the dim hallway which were only lit by some blue night lights. The cold air made him shiver. Normally his feelings would disappear but they didn't now and it was making him feel weird. He didn't like it.

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