File 20:

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-A month later-

Jimin sat in his room again the early morning. He was putting some photos and posters on his walls. After so long, after the first day he came here, Jimin hasn't added a single color to his room. Bit now he was ready to personalize his things. He wanted to make it his, he wants to express himself. So he put photos of him and yoongi which were taken outside and in here. He wanted to remember the good memories. Near those he put posters on the wall of nice images. He had one of a fishes, and one of a famous painting. He was showing such good progress. Jimin haven't felt that intense worse feeling in two weeks now. He woke up with no specific feeling. Usually he would wake up empty and feeling heavy. But now he felt light, not happy not sad. It was nice like this. Jimin was working very hard to not listen to voices in his head. He would hum over them as a distraction or look at yoongi for help, the doctor knew jimin well and would notice it right away. He would talk to jimin to make his not listen to the voices and memories.

Still Jimin wasn't the same as he was before everything went downhill for him. He wasn't the cheerful kid he once was. He was now still a default looking person, he didn't show much emotion in words or behaviour. But at least he wasn't thinking of dying or other bad things. He was at least moving forward. This was just part of the process. Yoongi knew also that Jimin will never be fully his old self again, things happened and it affected the boy. It will always be there. Jimin could only learn how to live with it instead of letting it bring him down.

*knock knock*

There were two gentle knocks on the door before it was opened. that lovely doctor walking inside looking at his patient with a smile.

"goodmorning Jimin"

"hello doctor" jimin said and got off the bed, careful not to fall and hurt himself. He was done feeling hurt. He didn't want it anymore, he was going to better himself. Each day that passed he felt more confident in his choice to get better and healthy. Jimin was luckily eating again, he was only hesitant with very sugar rich meals like cake or donuts. He wasn't allowed to eat those when he was with jaesang. But yoongi's encouraging words would snap him back and Jimin would eat the cake which he liked so much. he didn't need the supporting vitamins anymore, he was good on his own with the food he ate now. a healthy planned menu for him each week. Personalized to his liking where ti could. jimin was allowed to chose his own desserts, he got this week a strawberry ice, chocolate fudge and a bowl watermelons. His favorites here.

"You're finally decorating i see"

"Yes, I thought it would be nice to have some color instead of all this..white" Jimin wanted to start a new chapter, a chapter for himself keeping this room the same will only remind him more of his struggles here. so the change was also needed in his eyes.

"I'm glad you're doing it. Are you ready for your breakfast?"

"yea, i'm a little hungry"

"Good, I thought of eating at this new lunchroom nearby. if you like that then, if you're uncomfortable with it, that's fine. it's been a while since we went out in public" yoongi said he hasn't taken jimin out for a few weeks now. they just didn't find the time for it yet.

"that's okay..i think" jimin said, he still was very wary about others he didn't know. in his eyes they all could be a demon in disguise like jaesang was. Jaesang put on this fake act of kindness only to break his act whenever Jimin did something he didn't like.

"Great, here is your jacket." The doctor handed Jimin his coat to wear before going out. In the mornings it wasnt hot outside yet so it was good to wear something before leaving.

So said so done, the two were walking over the streets towards the lunchroom on the other side. Jimin was clinging onto yoongi tightly, it was way too crowded here to his liking. He did not like how close people were walking. this time he didn't have the distraction of eating ice cream to move his focus away from that fact.

"Are we there yet?"

"Almost '' Yoongi chuckled and grabbed Jimin's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "relax jimin, no one is here to hurt you"

"I can't trust them.."

"I'm not asking you to trust them, but you have to understand not everyone is here to hurt you like jaesang did, they are not him. These are normal people going through their day just like you are. they are not even focussed on you, look"

Jimin looked around seeing no one was even actually looking at him but passing by peacefully. Jimin took a deep breath, Yoongi was right. he shouldn't think everyone was like jaesang. his friends for example, they were not like jaesang. They were the best friends Jimin had ever had. they were understanding...and taehyung. Taehyung helped him in the end so much but for Jimin it was already too late at that point. but now he was waking up again, as himself not a zombie that is controlled by the past.

"Yes. okay, I'll try," Jimin said and nodded at yoongi. The doctor smiled and walked with Jimin into the lunchroom where they had already arrived by now. He was so happy how good Jimin was doing now. The first time he met him it was so different. The jimin of before was so broken and hidden in thick walls that he build around him, he wouldn't trust anyone, he wouldn't even listen. but now jimin was thinking and speaking for himself, he understood his problems, he knew what was wrong and right. it was amazing.

"Okay, get whatever you like. You can even choose from desserts if you want to" yoongi said once they had their seats.

"really? hmm let me see" jimin grabbed one of the menus and began reading all the things this restaurant served. he was a lot of things he liked. he now liked, now he could freely eat what he wanted and not feel like he was doing something wrong all the time, without the fleeing of having to puke with each bite. "i want the bacon sandwich, it looks really tasty"

"Alright, and I will take the ham cheese one," Yoongi smiled and raised his hand to call over a waiter. it wasn't very normal for one of the doctors to take their patient out like this, the two were basically going on a date each time. It felt like that a bit too. but yoongi knew it shouldn't, he was still just treating jimin. going outside the instituut walls was part of it.

"Something wrong?" Jimin asked, seeing Yoongi spacing out after he gave their orders.

"ah, no sorry. i was just thinking" yoongi chuckled and shook his head taking a gulp of their just served water.

"about what?" Jimin tilted his head curiously.

"about how proud i am, seeing how far you've come already. you're doing so well."

"ah....thank you" jimin smiled blushing a little and averting his eyes, getting shy. Yoongi chuckled at the cute reaction. "I-i am glad i make you proud"

"You always do, now let's enjoy our food. We have to be back before our session time '' Yoongi smiled looking at the waiter who walked over to them with their food.


I AM SO SO SORRY!! I didnt see the last update was 14th aug i thought it was 24th aug. Im so sorry i didnt update sooner. I really am, i feel so bad now feck...😭😭 Thank you so much for those who didnt give up on the story by now and are still reading, yall too kind. Again im very sorty, I will try to remember properly nex time TT

See you hopefully in the next update again 😭🌼


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