File 17: Sooha

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It was a few days later after Jimin made a scene and was sent to his room. Yoongi had kept a close eye on the boy. Jimin seemed to be getting very emotional and sad now, but it was a sign of progress, he was showing more emotions where Yoongi can work with. It was hard to always ignore the pain in his heart whenever he saw Jimin cry, he wanted to just hold the boy and hug him. but he can only hug the boy, that's not gonna help him out of this state. He needs to talk, to eat, to understand and affection. but not just affection. He needed all of it.

Currently he was outside playing basketball with the boy as a distraction while they took a break from their session. Jimin requested to stop for a moment and play a bit. So Yoongi stopped for a moment and got them a ball.

"Yes!'' Yoongi cheered for Jimin when the boy got a perfect throw. Jimin's eyes widened. He had tried this for almost half an hour and he didn't even hit one. a smile crept on his lips and he catched the ball that bounced back to him.

"I did it!" he said and looked at Yoongi with a smile. the raven almost gasped seeing the pure smile. A smile that sadly was damaged by his experiences. a smile which sadly belonged to a boy in pieces, unable to repair himself on his own.

"Beautiful..." Yoongi mumbled to himself staring at Jimin who turned his head back to the ball and tried again, looking happy while doing so.

"Your turn" Jimin said, his smile fading when he missed this time. He walked to the raven passing him the basketball. Jimin sat down cross legged on the field watching yoongi throw the ball. He pouted seeing how the doctor could hit the ring and make points, it looked so easy. Suddenly Yoongi stopped and held the ball, walking to Jimin. He sat down next to him and placed the ball next to him on the ground.

"I have been thinking. Would you like to go for a walk around the city? not the crowded area but just through some streets. So you can see something else than this instituut and see daily life again." Yoongi asked. It may do Jimin good to go out again and not feel like he is stuck in the institute forever. since jimin woke up in the hospital this was all he had seen, he must feel so trapped there.

"O-okay" jimin said he wasn't really sure if he would like that, what if Jaesang got free and was waiting for him somewhere? What if someone else will hurt him? Jimin couldn't trust anyone anymore. only Yoongi, he could only trust Yoongi now.

"If you don't want to yet, you can tell me. Its not needed only if you feel comfortable doing so."

"I want to try...If you think it's good for me i will try it"

"Okay, we will just go somewhere calm and slowly go to other places. The boss allowed me to take you outside."

" it just you and me?" Jimin asked, he didn't want any of those guards or just anyone joining them, he only wanted to be with Yoongi. He didn't need anyone else, he didn't like anyone else.

"Yes, just you and me" Yoongi smiled and Jimin gave a small smile back, but it was a real smile, it didn't look forced and fake, it was natural. That gave Jimin and Yoongi a good feeling.

"Your smile is pretty Jimin," Yoongi said, making the smile grow even more.

"really?...." Jimin said softly and pulled his legs up hiding his mouth behind his knees. Jaesang never said those things to him. He didn't say he was pretty or cute. He just said he wouldn't look good if he did 'this' or did 'that'.

"Yes, really." Yoongi gave a warm smile, even if he was a mental patient. That didn't mean Jimin couldn't be beautiful. The weight kept growing on the boy and he was looking more and more natural to a normal weight. Jimin already got his normal skin tone back which was a nice warm honey like color. The morning's Jimin spent in the sun were giving him a nice natural color instead of his sick pale skin tone from the lack of nutrients and all that should be in his body.

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