File 16: last day

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Jimin was outside. He had done it. He snuck out, he had gotten a letter from Taehyung yesterday and it reminded him of his friend who he loved dearly. So with the last bit of energy and life Jimin had in him he had thrown a chair at the locked windows breaking the glass. He knew he was gonna regret this later. but he had to see him again. He was gonna see taehyung now. Jimin hid his bruises well before he left the house through the window. hurting his finger when leaving. The shards were sharp. Now in the backyard he climbed over the fence and started walking towards his friend's house. His steps slow from the lack of energy he had in him. His hands were shaky and thin. He was unhealthy skinny but that didn't make the boy eat he knew he shouldn't eat. Jaesang told him not to. He will turn ugly. But Jimin was lonely, so he went to see his friend after more than a year. He wasn't allowed to go out, but Jimin was starting to talk to himself imagining things.

After walking what felt like hours for the boy that wasn't fully awake mentally he arrived at the house and rang the bell. His finger was having a hard time to even raise up to reach it. He had no energy inside of him left after the walk. It took a while for the door to open but it did.

"J-jimin?" his voice. Taehyung's voice was heard. The boy looked at his friend who looked so unhealthy.

"Hello. I'm sorry for not visiting sooner. i am sorry"

"its..its okay. come in. want some tea?" Taehyung sounded concerned. He wasn't gonna be angry at his friend now. He was at first thinking Jimin hated him suddenly. which is why he sent a letter asking to meet up one more time to clear things up. But seeing jimin's state he was sure something must have been happening to jimin which was keeping him from meeting up. His main worry was now Jimin who looked like he could die any moment in front of him. his face skinny and hands boney. his steps were uneven as he walked to the chair at the table sitting down. he kept his jacket on shivering. even when it was hot outside and inside. Jimin was continuously cold.

Taehyung haven't gotten a response for the tea but he made it anyway and put it down in front of Jimin's hands giving him a smile.

"thanks...." Jimin said, looking at it. The scent made him hungry. but he cant eat. drinking was okay right? he carefully took a little sip from the tea.

"How are you?" Taehyung asked, looking at Jimin's thin fingers.

"I'm good, and you?"

"you....i'm doing good too. I have missed you. what happened when you disappeared?" taehyung asked. "you suddenly stopped meeting with me and avoided me almost. did i do something wrong, if so im very sorry"

"No no, don't worry. it's nothing. I just spent more time with Jaesang and kind of got lost in our own world. I'm sorry I was a bad friend." Jimin said.

"Jaesang. is he good to you? i haven't seen him after that last time" taehyung asked last time was at least a year ago and after that he haven't seen jimin personally anymore.

"He is, he is very kind and lovely, '' Jimin said, faking a smile and drinking the tea. Taehyung hummed but didn't smile back.

"Can we be friends again? we can go have dinner together and catch up?"

"No dinner, I'm good. im full from lunch just now" jimin chuckled and patted his hollowing belly

"okay, if you say so"

The two catched up for a moment until Jimin noticed the time and gasped standing up.

"I-i got to go,'' he said and rushed to the door.

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