File 13: pain

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Jimin sat on the floor in the living room. He was trying so hard to clean away the mess he made. His eyes were filled with tears caused by fear. " Come on" he said, trying to gather all the pieces. He used a cloth to do it , not able to find a broom. there was one in the storage but Jaesang locked that door all the time. so Jimin couldn't sweep the shards. He already cut his fingers multiple times from the sharp shards he picked up but he didn't have time to care. Jaesang could get home any moment.

Jimin wished he had more time or could turn back time. He was just trying to clean Jaesang's desk when he accidentally knocked over his favorite glass art piece. He didn't mean to. It was an accident. The thing was loose in its hinges and the little bump made it drop off its pillar to the ground. There was no way it could be fixed, the pieces were too small.

Jimin stood up with his aching bruised and fragile thin body Making his way to the kitchen with the tied towel package filled with the shards. He held a few big ones in his hand that didn't fit inside. When he put the package of glass on the counter and took off the lid of the trash bin the front door opened. Jimin's heart just sank to the floor and stopped. His body went cold hearing his boyfriend' s voice.

"Jimin," Jaesang said, closing the door and walking to his younger boyfriend. " what are you doing?"

"I-i'm throwing this a-away" Jimin said and gulped.

"What's inside?"

" Nothing!" Jimin panicked and took the towel back that jaesang tried to open. but the knot got loose and some of the glass shards fell out. Jaesang frowned, picking up one, he recognized the shape and walked to his work room. Jimin held his breath seeing jaesang walk inside.

"PARK JIMIN!" Jaesang shouted and walked back out of anger clearly visible on his face and body. He threw the shard on the floor and approached the young boy with balled fists. Without any warning or giving the boy even a second to react he punched him in the face. Jimin fell to the ground holding his nose feeling hot liquid drip through his fingers.

"Breaking my things???!" Jaesang said gripping jimin' s hair and pull him up. His hand wrapped around the boy's neck and he pushed him up against the wall making the feet dangle in the air. The younger' s eyes widen and his smaller hands grabbed jaesang' s arm and hand that was around his neck. " And then lying about it!!" He added more pressure shutting off the airway watching the boy gasp for air he couldn't get. "dont you ever learn, stupid kid" Jaesang hissed and watched how the boy stopped struggling slowly. helpless tears rolled down his cheeks as he stopped moving. that's when Jaesang let go dropping the boy on the ground that hit his head painfully. Jimin began coughing and gasping for air, it was painful to breathe. he put a weak hand around his neck which was burning and stinging.

"Don't think we're done" Jaesang spat and pulled Jimin after him to the bathroom ignoring the heavy breathing and gasping behind him.


Jimin couldn't breathe.

The boy sat in bed after waking up by himself from gasping for air he was missing. He couldn't breathe. He tried to but he couldn't do it. He took a few small short breaths. His eyes teared up and soon enough tears were rolling off his cheeks. Jimin was scared. It hurts. He wrapped a hand around his neck. He could feel a hand squeezing his neck painfully tight.

"h-help" he managed to say as he tossed the blankets off and got out of bed curling up on the floor. it felt just like before. just how Jaesang used to do to him. The same pain, the same hand that he felt.

Suddenly the door flew open and multiple persons rushed inside. The first that was next to him kneeling on the floor was Yoongi. and then the doctor.

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