File 10: name

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Jimin was feeling cold numb and emotionless when he woke up. He opened his eyes which felt heavy even after he had slept...or well....he thought he slept since he doesn't remember what had happened. He suddenly passed out and only could remember that Jaesang was hitting him with the belt. 

He moved his body feeling his back and chest burn painfully when he did so. He whined closing his eyes, resting his head against the wall. his wrists were hurting from being up all the time tied tightly to the heater bar. His whole body felt cold. He was only wearing shorts which had some drops of blood on the edge that was around his hips. the lines the belt left had started to bleed and rolled over his skin wetting his shorts. It had dried now and was a disgusting looking hard material form the dried blood.

He closed his eyes thinking of just going to sleep knowing Jaesang wont let him out for a long time. Not that he knew what the time was. But he had a feeling. the mad was really angry at him before. He wasn't sure if it was yesterday or still today when it happened. He also didn't care. when he was here he would be hurt. He couldn't make mistakes. He would have a little bit of peace. 

But oh boy he was wrong today. the door lock was turned and the door opened.

"Jiminie~" the man said as he walked in. He kneeled next to the boy on the floor holding a knife. Jimin felt fear seeing it, thinking he was going to murder him and he shifted closer to the wall. But Jaesang only cut the tape around his wrists freeing his hands.

"Come on i need you"

"y-you need me?" jimin asked rubbing his wrist where some leftover was from the sticky tape. it was stuck between the little hairs on his arms and he felt it pull when he rubbed over it, so he stopped doing it.

"Pleasure your boyfriend, he needs it," Jaesang said. Jimins face changed to an unpleasant one. the boy really wasn't feeling like it today. Jaesang had hurt him a lot before and his body felt still on fire from the slow healing wounds on his back and chest. But like always Jaesang didn't seem to care.

"I will give you your medicine if you do it, does that sound good?" Jaesang said, putting on a sweet voice. He knew how to get Jimin to change his mind. he knew the boy was sick. Jimin already had a fever two days ago but jaesang refused to acknowledge it. Jimin had asked for some kind of medicine but Jaesang lied he didn't have it. but he did have it, he simply did not want to give it to the boy. Medicine was expensive. He didn't want Jimin to be expensive and make him but more things than the things he needed to stay alive.

So as a treat for his job he would give jimin the medicine he had been asking for.

And just as the boy expected Jimin moved to him on his knees. Jaesang was already sitting on the ground not caring about the dried blood smears on the ground. When he saw Jimin was about to give him a simple blowjob he stopped him.

"Don't worry about that baby boy, I'm already hard for you. I want you to ride me" He said. Jimin sighed and just got up straddling his boyfriend who guided him down. Pushing the boy's hips down on his member. "Move baby, I don't have all day to wait for you," Jaesang said. Jimin nodded, putting his hands on jaesang; s shoulders to support himself who was already shaky. Slowly he moved up and down trying to bear with the pain he felt while doing so. He was already hurt, this could be added to it as well.

"Good, now faster," Jaesang said as he put his hands on the boy's hips.

Jimin gulped and nodded but he couldn't go faster. his legs were already shaking and felt like jelly. He also felt nauseous and felt like he could throw up any moment, his body was freezing and slowly the shaking form his legs moved more into his body. He really couldn't do it.

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