File 3: patient

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Time passed slower than the boy would have liked. and just like every other day he laid in bed all morning staring at the ceiling. He didn't want to get up in the morning anymore. He just laid there waiting for his father to pull him out. He wasn't allowed to go to dance classes anymore. his father locked him in his room when he went to work. starving the boy all day until dinner.

"JIMIN!" the man shouted and pushed open the bedroom door making it bang against the wall. The young Jimin flinched in bed and sat up. even if he felt so lifeless alone when his father would be with him he felt nothing that fear. fear for every move he made, fear of an outbreak of his father. ever since his mother left the house his father felt heartbroken and it had a wrong effect on him. making him abuse his son who reminded him so much of his wife who cheated and he divorced.

Jimin would still wonder how his mother was doing, was she happy? Did she know about what father did? Jimin hoped to see her again, he didn't hate mother, she never hit him, she never shouted at him. she was a kind lady. just like his father once was.

"Get your ass out of bed!" his father shouted and pulled the boy out of the bed giving him a kick to wake him up. "I have work so you better clean the room before i come back!" he shouted. little did he know that when he would return home his son won't be there anymore.

Because Jimin had decided to leave. He was 16 and could go find a job, he can maybe live with his friend Taehyung. his friend lived far away but he would find it eventually. Jimin saw his father shouting and kicking him. but the boy couldn't feel the pain. in his head he was already outside running away from this man he didn't want to call 'father' anymore.


The next morning Jimin was awake early and his stomach growled. He looked at the now cold soup from last evening's dinner. But he didn't want to eat it. he shouldn't eat it. something inside him prevented him from eating it. jimin didn't know what it was but he just couldn't make himself even touch the food. When he did he felt panic rise inside of him and he would throw up when the food touched his tongue. so just like every other day he just said he was already full and that was why he couldn't eat, his stomach must be so full that it couldn't have more.

*knock knock*

There was a knock at the door before the door was opened. Jimin was expecting Daxia to walk in again but that wasn't the case. so he turned his head curiously to the person who had walked in. He didnt recognize this man at all. He had black hair and interesting enchanting eyes. Jimin felt funny looking at the man.

"Hello, my name is Min Yoongi, you must be Jimin right?" The man said his voice was pretty low and had a slight rasp when he spoke.

jimin tilted his head at the new man. "are you my new doctor?"

"Yes I am, i will be there to take care of you and support you in your healing process." yoongi gave the boy a smile. Jimin smiled back. but inside he sighed. again a new doctor. did no one want to be my friend? Why is everyone so strange here?

"If there is anything you want to talk about you can always talk to me, i will be here in the center, and you are my only patient. so i have enough time for you. don't hesitate to call for me"

"Do you believe i am sick? like everyone else." Jimin asked. it sounded like the boy was testing him. Yoongi caught onto that and shook his head.

"you are just confused. but that's okay, I am confused myself often too."

"really? why are you confused then?" Jimin asked interested.

"For example when i don't know where i left my phone or when i thought i just did something but it actually didn't do anything" yoongi said glad to have some sort of conversation going. Unlike what he was told, Jimin was pretty easy to talk to. maybe the others just had a wrong approach?

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