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𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 <𝟯

sunday, January 16th

"Shots!" We shout in unison.

The charges won tonight so you know what that means.




I still hate parties, but I still go out every on s in a while.

I throw my head back, downing my shot of tequila. Over the years I've gotten over my 'fear' of drinking. I'm not an alcoholic now or anything but I'll usually have a couple of shots when I go out. I however refuse to get drunk. I got drunk with Rebecca one night and let's just say the next morning I woke up with the biggest mistake of my life.

Rebecca drags me to 'The Oak'; an exclusive nightclub near Beverly Hills, every time The Charges win. Everyone on the team knows us so they don't mind us celebrating with them.

Rebecca always claims we should go to 'celebrate my brother's win, you never know if it'll be his last game' I've memorized her speech at this point.

But we both know that the only reason she goes is to make sure no one tries hitting on Jaden.

He's a linebacker for The Chargers so I think you can imagine the line of girls and guys lining up to hook up with him.

Rebecca then has to drag me because she doesn't want to end up hooking up with him.

I honestly have no clue what is going on with their relationship. They dated for about 3 months until we had to move to LA. Ever since Rebecca moved here last year they've had an on-again-off-again relationship. I don't care what they do as long as they're happy, they end on good terms every time so as long as it doesn't affect my relationship with either of them, I do not care.

The stupid paparazzi can never mind their own business though and they somehow always manage to know when they break up.

Stupid papz.

I've gotten used to them over the years but that doesn't mean I'm very fond of them. Thank god
they usually never come up to me unless I'm with Jaden.

"Let's go dance!" Rebecca drags me to the dance floor.

We dance for about 30 minutes until she abandons me to make out with Jaden.


It wouldn't be as terrible if I had someone else to dance with but being surrounded by over 20,
6ft, 200 lb football players makes it kinda hard

The single guys on the team don't try anything with me, I'm guessing Jaden made a hands-off rule, but they're all more like brothers to me so I don't mind.

I go back to the table where my phone at and check the time, 11:39. It's not too early but I have a meeting with the manager at the staples center tomorrow. I grab my purse and look for Rebecca and Jaden.

Where do I find them?

In a corner booth sucking each other's faces off.

Gross. I crumble up a paper and throw it at them, making them separate. "Finally."

"What's up?"

"I'm heading home, I have a meeting tomorrow morning that I can't miss," I tell Jaden.

"Take Thompson then tell him to come back." Thompson is Jaden's driver slash bodyguard.

I nod my head. "You coming with me?" I ask Rebecca.

She looks to Jaden and then back at me, "no. I'll have Jaden drop me off later."

Translation: I'm not coming home tonight.

It's a common routine at this point. I laugh and shake my head. "Have fun, not too much though, I don't want to be an aunt yet." Jaden chokes on his bear and Rebecca gives me a death glare telling me to shut the hell up.

"Remember J, no glove no love."

Jaden has tears in his eyes from all the laughing and Rebecca is burning red. I quickly take
off before she decides to murder me.

I know I'm going to pay for that tomorrow but it was so worth it.

Thompson is waiting for me at the exit of the club. "How many?" I ask.

"They won tonight, how many do you think?" He replies. Thompson's been with us for a little over two years now. His real name Eric but no one calls him that. He's in his early 40's and pretty buff. He also has a shiny bald head.

He has the biggest RBF; resting bitch face, but he's actually really sweet and his wife is a sweetheart, she's always sending me cookies with Thompson.

Now back to the real problem.

Getting out of here. I shrug. "It's not like they pay much attention to me when I'm not Jaden, Rebecca, or someone else from the team." Rebecca decided to pursue' being a part-time Instagram model so the paparazzi usually try to get some shots of her.

But tonight I'm with no one so I should be good.

"Let's go." Thompson walks in front of me, learning me towards the car.

Flashes. Great.

"Kailani any news on your brother?"

"Do you know anything about his relationship with Rebecca Grey?"

Ugh, can they leave me alone? I'm just a freaking photographer! What's so interesting about taking pictures of me?

"What's your relationship with the boxer, Roman Grey?" Now that catches my attention.

No one ever asked me about Roman.


As far as the public knows my only relation to him is that he's my best friend's brother.

I spot the guy who's asked the question. "He's my best friend's brother, why?" I surprised myself but how steady my voice is.

"Old pictures resurfaced of you with his daughter, any comments?" I'm done.

I offer him a smile and walk away.

Thompson gives me a look.

Uh oh.

Once we're finally in the car he looks at me through the mirror. "You know Jaden's going to kill you for talking to them?"

"No need to rub it in my face." I sulk.

Jaden has one rule for me that I must not break under any circumstances.

I just broke it.

No speaking to the papz. Ever. They are ruthless and will bleed you dry.

But how could I not? The question took me back.


I hate him for so many reasons.

I'm so caught up in my thoughts to realize when we pull into my apartment building.

Rebecca and I share a 3 bedroom penthouse on the quieter side of LA.

I thank Thompson and take the elevator to my 7th-floor apartment.

As soon as I walk through the door I kick off my heels and go to my bathroom to do my nighttime routine.

By 12:15 I'm in bed out cold.

chapter one !

I'm gonna right a shit ton of chapters because I'm going to start volleyball practices at the end of the month ANDD ima be busy this summer with planning my quince 😫✋🏼

but i'm so excited to start this new journey !

published 6-2-21

word count: 1127

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