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𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 <3

𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 <3

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Saturday, July 31st

"I told you I don't want the stupid gender reveal." I try and keep my tone steady.

"You've been looking forward to this since you found out you were pregnant." Roman tried reasoning with me.

"Yeah, that was before I knew my baby had the umbilical cord wrapped around its neck!" I slight snap. That was a bit harsh but I don't want a party for a baby that might not live.

That's dramatic. Only about 12% of nuchal cord baby's result in death, but with my luck that might just happen.

On Wednesday Dr. Alvarez called and asked us to go back down to the clinic. There is where she gave us the news. She informed me that everything else with the baby was fine and that I should be able to go through with full-term pregnancy and give birth naturally, where they'll slip the cord over the baby's shoulders and release it.

But still, the last thing an expecting mom wants to hear is that something is wrapped around the baby's neck.

He sighs and joins me in my bed. "I know you're scared, trust me so am I. But we can't spend every minute thinking about the worst. You should enjoy this pregnancy while you can." How does he always know the right things to say?

It's annoying for him to always be right. "I hate you."

It's the day of my gender reveal. Even though I begged Rebecca to stop planning she refused to do so. Jaden was with me most of yesterday while Roman was training. He tried his best to comfort me which I appreciated. Yesterday Roman dropped Aria off all day. It's like they're all scared of leaving me alone.

I'm not kidding. Roman has been sleeping over since Thursday night, I don't mind though. It brings some sort of comfort. "You've had your days to dwell and sulk. Now get your fine ass up and get ready for this gender reveal because we are leaving in an hour." I flip him off and reluctantly get off my bed.

I turn to glare at him when I feel his palm slapping against my butt.

He's been so touchy ever since we became official. Also, and don't ask because I have no idea how reporters got light on our relationship. It's all the tabloids have been talking about for the past few days.

Within 50 minutes I was showered with a full face of makeup and a white right dress that makes my baby bump looks bigger than it actually is.

"Are you ready?" Aria is with Rebecca, said she wanted to help set up the party. Adorable.

Roman is in a white tight shirt that leaves nothing to the imagination.

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