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𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 <𝟯

𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 <𝟯

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Friday, January 21

"Are you going to hang out with Jaden tonight?" I take a sip of my wine.

"No, I have plans." She doesn't explain. She's been acting a bit dodgy this week.

Maybe she's still pissed about the stunt I pulled on Monday.

It's 5:11 right now and yes, we're day drinking. I have to leave the house by 6:15 at the latest if I want to arrive early to set up my equipment.

I already showered and did my makeup so I have more than enough time.

"Can I uh, can I ask you something?" She asks out of nowhere.

"What's up?"

She takes a big gulp of her wine.

Uh oh.

"What would you do if you saw him again." I don't even have to ask who's she's talking about. The few times he's been brought up we never call him by name, only by 'he, him, he's.

I would take a huge gulp of my wine too but I can't arrive drunk.

"Depends on the situation, best-case scenario, I'd have a little freakout and get over it, worse case scenario, I'd fall back into my lowest."

I fell into a depressed state after the accident. I was pretty good at hiding it at first but after I finished freshman year I stopped hiding it. I moved with Jaden to LA and I had nothing to look forward to.

I didn't get out of bed for almost two months, only to use the bathroom.

I've relapsed only about 2 times but I don't want there to be a 3rd.

"Why are you asking Bec?"

She places her wine glass on the coffee table, "no reason, just wanted to know."

There's a reason but as far as I know, he's still living in New York so hopefully, I won't have to see him anytime soon.

I'm no idiot. I know sooner or later I'm going to have to see him because of Rebecca. Plus his parents and I still have a good relationship.

Then it occurs to me, he knows, doesn't he?

"Does he know?"


"What I do every year." That should be enough information.

Her eyes widen, "god no. I promised I would never say anything." Then why the hell is she bringing him up?


We talk about her internship for Alison Hayes; a famous designer based in LA. Even though Rebecca has her influencer 'career' her full-time passion is being a fashion designer. That's one of the main reasons she moved to LA.

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