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8 years later


"Mom! Lea stole my perfumes without asking again!"

"I did not! I just happened to borrow them without letting her know." She says cheekily.

Sneaky little brat.

My little sister, who's almost 9 years younger than me, has the same, if not worse attitude than my mom. Lord help us all.

"Lea stop stealing your sister's stuff and head to Jaden's house so he can take you to school."

I stick my tongue out of her. Childish? Perhaps, but even though I'm 18 and she'll be 10 in 7 months, we both act like 5-year-olds around each other. But either way, I love her.

She throws her light brown hair over her shoulder and groans. "But stupid Lorenzo will be there."

Lorenzo Damien D'Angelo is our cousin's, Grayson, best friend but he's a little ass to Lea. I swear these kids are 9 and they hate each other.

"Sweetheart," Dad warns.

"You're the one who teaches her that!" I backfire in defense of my sister. "I prefer it when you two are fighting." He mumbles who which mom flicks him over the head.

"Don't encourage them." My mom is beautiful, she may be 32 but she still looks as if she was in her 20's. A lot of people confuse us as sisters which is pretty understandable considering she's only 15 years older than me.

She isn't my bio mom, which I guess makes Lea my half-sister but we don't care for that stuff. Mom has always treated us equally and has never shown favoritism.

My dad is 35 and a famous boxer. I grew up watching him in the ring which was scary as shit sometimes but I grew to love boxing.

"Get to tio and tias house, you'll be late for school," I tell my sister. She rolls her eyes but listens. "You need to teach me your ways," Mom says.

"It's easy y'all are just too soft on her," I say before biting into an apple.

"Are you going to the office today?" I ask my dad.

"Yes but I promise I will be there for your tournament." He says.

I point at him, "that's what you said about Lea's first ultrasound." My mom's attitude has rubbed off on me over the years.

Mom laughs at that and dad shakes his head. "Will any of you ever let me live that down?"

"No." We reply in union.

"Marry Kai they said, let her spend time with my daughter they said."

"My daughter jackass."

My parent's relationship is everything to me.

And the way they are with me and my sister is just amazing. They we're pregnant with twins when I was 12 but miscarried which caused mom to never be able to get pregnant again. It was heartbreaking but she insisted that Lea and I were enough.

"Whatever. I have to get to school but I better see you both at my tournament." I say while grabbing my car keys.

"Are you sure you want your father there? Remember what happened last time?"

"Don't even remind me." I groan. "He still runs in the other direction when he sees me!" I glare at daddy. I play volleyball which means I have to wear short spandex. I invited the guy I was talking to in one of my games and dad scared him off and threatened to cut his eyeballs out if he ever looked at my ass again.

"He was looking at my little girl's butt." He defends himself.

"I'm 18!" At first glance, dad is very intimidating. He hardly smiles when he's not with us and he's an amazing fighter who only lost 2 fights in his career. But what the media doesn't know is that he's the biggest softie for his daughters and a lovesick puppy for my mom.

It's adorable and gross sometimes.

"Exactly, my little girl." He pulls me in for a hug that mom joins soon after.

"So that's why you guys wanted me gone?" Lea says with her arms crossing her chest. "Come here, princess." She runs to us and joins the hug.

"My perfect little family," Mom says.



please read the final authors note <3

published & completed august 1st 2021.

published & completed august 1st 2021

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