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𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 <𝟯

𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 <𝟯

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Sunday, March 28

"Lani you can't stay in bed all day!"


What the hell?

"It's tradition," I shout.

Every year on the anniversary of the accident I lock myself in my room and ignore everyone. It's not weird, I just need the day to myself to cope.

I've always wondered if March 28th affects Roman too. It probably doesn't, he's the one who left after all.

"Fuck your tradition, I need to talk."


"Please." Okay, this might be serious. I throw my covers off and unlock the door. "Jesus Lani why is your room so dark and gloomy?" He opens my curtains and I jump right back into bed and he takes a seat in one of the armchairs in my room.

"How'd you take the news?" I ask. Rebecca hasn't come home all weekend. She sent me a text letting me know she told him and she was going to stay over so they could talk it out.

I tried calling Jaden yesterday but he didn't pick up so I figured they just needed space.

"Well, I'm going to be a dad." He's excited. I can see it on his face, but he's also got something on his mind.

"What's on your mind J?"

"I love her." He blurts out. That's the first time he's ever said it out loud. It's obvious they love each other but neither of them has ever admitted it. "Okay... took you long enough."

"I don't know what to do!" He groans. "I've known I've loved her for a while but if I say it now she's just going to think I'm saying it because she's carrying our child."

I give him a sympathetic smile and pat the bed. Once he's lying next to me I rub his shoulder. "Trust me, there's no way Rebecca doesn't love you. You just gotta tell her."

He nods.

"So what's going to happen now?" I ask.

Are they going to get together? Are they going to co-parent? "I don't know. For now, we agreed to take things slow with us and be functioning co-parents."

There's no way he wants that.

"J, you're a family man, for as long as I can remember you've always dreamt of having a family and getting married."

He shrugs, "I don't want to rush her into anything."

"Don't be a dummy! Just tell her what you want, the worst that could happen is that she says no. The best? You could have a wife."

His eyes light up and that just brings a smile to my face.

"I can't wait to plan a baby shower! I'm going to be the best aunt!" I beam in excitement.

"You're going to be her only aunt."

"Joy killer," I mumble.

We spend an hour talking about his future with Rebecca, I've never seen him so happy.

"Kailani Adriana Knight." He looks at his phone and all of a sudden says my full name.

I'm about to get scolded.

Yes, I'm 22 and I still get scolded by my big brother.

"I haven't done anything yet!" I groan.

"So going out with your ex who left you in a hospital and we both hate is nothing?" He flips his phone around and an article with a picture of Roman, Aria, and me from Friday night.

Oh, yeah that's something.

"Hehe, well, you see I don't completely hate him anymore. More like strongly dislike him."

Please, more like starting to like him.



"I know J." I groan. "But he's destined to be in my life, especially now that his sister and my brother are having a baby. It'll be easier if I didn't constantly try to kill him." 

He's about to protest but I stop him. "And he's the future uncle to your baby!" I quickly tell him.

Why am I trying to defend Roman from my brother?

He contemplates and sighs, "I still hate him. But I'll try not to shove my fist in his face every time I see him."

Good enough.

"Thank you, J."

"While we're on the topic of Roman, I may or may not have agreed to go to the charity ball this weekend with Roman," I say in one sentence hoping he wouldn't catch it.

"You what?!"

Looks like he caught it.

"He was gonna take Rebecca but he said he shouldn't now that she's pregnant!" Why am I still defending him?

"Sure about that? Because I asked Rebecca three months ago when I got the invitation."

He's a dead man.

I hate him.

"I'm going to kill him."

"Can I help?"

No, I want this privilege for myself.

short short short chapter! but idk i just wanted to get this out there.

i'm excited for the next two chapters :)

published 6-15-21

word count: 806

word count: 806

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