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I tried to stop Phil from walking up the stairs, but it was too late...

Dan was pushed against the wall, his hands pinned to the wall by Kate. She was kissing him and was standing on his feet so he couldn't move. Dan had his mouth closed and his eyes were wide with shock and horror. For once it wasn't me being cheated on, it was Phil. Why would you ever cheat on Phil? With is best friend too. I grabbed Kate's hair and pulled her off Dan. Dan looked relieved and ran to Phil who was frozen at the top of the stairs, his eyes were wide and he was paler than usual.

I slapped Kate and shouted "Get out!" I let go of her and she ran out of the flat. I went to Phil after that and Dan and I hugged him.

"She-She..." Phil stuttered.

"I know Phil. Come into the living room" Dan said. We led Phil to the couch in the living room and just hugged him. Then we watched Harry Potter and had ice cream and pizza. This reminded me so much of when I caught Richard cheating on me and I knew exactly how Phil must have felt Phil was so nice to me, now was the time to return the favour.

After dinner Phil went into his room, Dan put Elsie into her bed and then Dan and I went to bed. We layed in bed and Dan pulled me to his chest.

"How could she do that to poor Phil?" I asked

"Some people are idiots." Dan answered

"They don't realize what they've got 'till it's gone."

"Exactly, count your blessings and stuff."

"Yeah. I know exactly what I have and I wouldn't change it for the world."

"You tired?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Because you're getting cheesy."

I smiled "Night Mr Howell." and started to drift off.

"Night Mrs Howell." I was too far gone to react.

~1 month later~

I still hadn't questioned Dan on the 'Mrs Howell' thing and there were other, more important, issues to deal with. Like Phil's depression.

Phil hadn't eaten much since Kate and he never came out of his room anymore. His Phillions were starting to worry as he hadn't done a live show, tweeted, uploaded a new picture to instagram, uploaded a new video etc in a month. Dan and I would bring his food to him and he wouldn't do anything until we left. We didn't know what he did in there at all because nothing was ever on and there was never anything on his bed when we went in there. We would hear sobs from his room early in the morning sometimes, but we would always hear him crying when he thought we were watching TV or playing games etc.

I was sitting on the couch in my pyjamas when I got a notification from Twitter. I saw the name when I clicked on it, it said; @Amazingphil. I shook Dan's arm and read it:

Hey guys. So I'm sorry for being inactive. I've been going through a brake up and I guess I'm depressed. I love all my amazing phillions <3

For a moment we thought Phil was back, then we saw another tweet:

@danisnotonfire and @jessisprobablyjoking have been the best friends EVER. I love you guys and I'm sorry, it wasn't your fault

Dan and I looked at each other and another tweet popped up:

I love you all and thanks for always being there for me. Bye guys.

Attached was a gif of Phil saying bye and a picture of a lion.

I looked at Dan and we got up quickly. We ran to Phil's room and everything seemed to go in slow motion. The way Dan kicked the door down. The thud as the door fell to the floor. The thud of Phil as he fell to the floor, pill bottle in hand. The way Dan ran to Phil and held his head My heart beat got louder and I started finding it hard to breathe.

Then Dan shouted "PHIL! OH MY GOD WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

I suddenly snapped back to reality and grabbed Phil's phone. The phandom were going mad over Phil's tweets but I ignored them and dialed 999. A woman picked up straight away and I asked for an ambulance shakily through tears. When I hung up I went to Dan and put my arms around him. I called our babysitter to take Elsie for a little while and kissed Dan.

The ambulance arrived within 15 minutes. We got to the hospital in what felt like hours, but in reality was only a couple of minutes. Dan and I were taken to the relatives room and we texted everyone we knew. Some of our friends came. Then Janya, Narcus, Jasper, PJ, Chris, Louise, Jonathan and Anna arrived. A few hours later Zalfie came running through the door. Jim was sat next to me and Dan was on the other side. Louise was with Zoe, Tanya, Niomi, Anna, Jonathan, Alfie, Joe and Caspar. PJ and Chris were sat with Dan. I couldn't get my head around what had happened. Phil attempted to commit suicide? Phil Lester? Phil who could bring light to any dark day? Phil who was always happy? Phil who could make light of any situation? Phil my best friend, depressed?

Then Zoe spoke up "I don't know if this is a good time to tell you guys, but Alfie and I are... Well we are having a baby."

Everyone looked shocked. I couldn't deal with all this stuff. My stomach felt bad and I threw up.

"Jess, are you okay?" Dan asked, concern in his voice.

I nodded.

"Well I suppose while we are talking about kids" Tanya started "I am pregnant too."

This was too much. But then I thought wasn't my period due last week? My eyes went wide and I felt my stomach. No, I can't be.

"Dan." I mumbled

"Jess?" Dan said, looking concerned.

"I-I I missed a period."

Dan just looked shocked. "Oh. My. God."

Great flipping timing. I was pregnant again, but this time so was Zoe and Tan.

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