22~Day out with youtubers

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Dan ran up to us and clasped my hand. I squeezed it and smiled at him.

"I SHIP IT!" Zoe shouted "OTP!"

"You know who else to ship?" I asked, looking back at Cat and Phil. They weren't holding hands or anything in case a viewer saw them but they were as close as you could get without touching each other.


"Amazingcat." I whispered. Zoe's eyes widened and she looked at Phil and Cat and then back at me.

She let out a small squeal "Is it cannon?" She whispered back.

I nodded and she jumped on the spot. I smiled and she linked her arm in my free one.

We stopped at the aviary because Darcy wanted to see the birds before anything else. While we were looking at them Dan steered me away from the group. When I tried to look back Dan put his arm around my shoulders and steered me round a corner.

"Dan-" I started to question him.

"Shhhh." Dan said, putting his finger to my lips. I looked at him with a confused expression as he pushed me to the wall opposite us and kissed me.

I put my hand on his chest and pushed him off me "Dan what the-" Then I saw him. His dark hair looking round the corner. Deep eyes staring at me. His mouth smirking slightly.

"Go away Richard." Dan told him sternly, pushing me behind him.

"Oh go away, your bark is worse then your bite Daniel." Richard told him. He raised his fist and punched Dan. Dan fell to the wall and Richard grabbed my arm. He pulled me away and I couldn't stop looking at Dan. His nose bleeding, his hand holding his cheek. I yearned for him but I couldn't get out of Richard's grasp. Then I saw Jim and Alfie run towards us.

"OI!" Alfie shouted. Richard looked back and dragged me faster.

"GET OFF MY SISTER!" Jim shouted. They ran after us and I saw Dan stumble forward. They caught up quickly and pulled my other arm. When they pulled me free Alfie hugged me and Jim punched Richard in the jaw. Then I felt warm arms wrap around my waist.

Alfie let go and Dan snuggled his head into the crease of my neck and kissed my cheek. I turned round to face Dan and kissed him. I sighed when he pulled away and put my forehead to his. I could feel tears brewing and I put my head into his chest.

"Hey, it's okay. I'll always be here to protect you." Dan told me. "And I'll always find you."

I smiled into his chest "I love you." I stated

"Love you too."

"I love you always."

"I love you 5ever."

"I love you as much as I love nutella." Troye crept up behind us. I chuckled and put my arm around his shoulders.

"Almost." I said.

"OTP we're my OTP" Troye sang

"Baby you and me we'd be so sexy oh" i sang back. Then I kissed Troye's cheek and he faked blushing by covering his cheeks with his hands. I laughed and then I saw Phil with his camera in hand.

"PHILIP LESTER!" I shouted running at him. He turned the camera off and handed it to Cat as I jumped on him.

"Agh!" He squealed as I tickled him to the floor. After a lot of begging I stopped and helped him up. Troye high fived me and laughed.

"Mama." Elsie asked me, pulling my arm "can we go see the penguins now?"

"Of course we can." I told her. I held her hand and Darcy ran up to us.

"Do you want to play Elsie?" She asked

"Can I play mama?" Elsie asked me.

"Of course, just make sure you don't go too far and mummy or Daddy can see you okay?" I told her

"Okay mama." Then she let go of my hand and ran off with Darcy.

"So, hows you?" Tyler asked from behind me.

"Alright other than the obvious. How are you?" I asked

"Good. You know, still the queen."

"You'lll always be the queen Tyler."

"I know."

I smiled and we walked to the penguins.

"Mama look!" Elsie said, pointing to a small penguin washing itself.

"Yeah, it's a baby isn't it." I said.

"Yeah and that one is the mummy" She pointed to an adult penguin that was close to the baby one.

"Yeah, what do you think the mummy is called?"

"Cat and the daddy is Phil."

I smiled and looked round, hoping no viewers heard that. I didn't see anyone other than our friends and a couple of young families who didn't even look at any of us.

"And what is the baby called Elsie?" I asked

"Ummm. Sam" Elsie answered.

"Is it a girl or a boy penguin?"

"A boy."

I smiled and looked at Dan who had suddenly appeared next to Elsie.

We walked on to the restaurant once we had seen all the animals. I was holding Elsie's right hand and Dan was holding her left hand.

"And here are the Howells in their natural habitat." Alfie said, pointing his camera to us.

"Natural habitat Alfie?" I asked

"Yeah, the zoo."

"We are in the outernet, I can assure you this is NOT our natural habitat."

"Actually yeah. You two never go outside."

"No we don't, Phil even takes Elsie out for us."

"Fyi we do take Elsie out, we aren't horrible parents for all those people that won't get that it was a joke." Dan added. I smiled at him and Alfie turned the camera off.

"Daddy I'm tired." Elsie stated. Dan sighed and picked her up. He balanced her on his right knee and held my hand with his left hand. Then I felt large hands clasp my shoulders. I jumped and looked round at my brother.

"James Alfred Chapman!" I shouted "I hate you."

"No you don't." Jim argued, a wide grin plastered across his face.

"I hate you forever more brother"

"Oh well, you'll get over it."

"Not this time."

"Well then."



Then I laughed. I hugged Jim and went back to walking with Dan and Elsie.

Once we ate we finished walking around the zoo and then we went to the gift shop. Dan got a llama and Phil got a lion. Then we all parted ways and went to our cars. Elsie was asleep in the pushchair and Dan had his arms round my shoulders, his leather jacket wrapped round my shoulders as it was starting to get a bit colder. The cool Spring air caressed my face and my hair came out of the plait I had put it in earlier. I pulled it out and Dan laughed as he moved my hair out of his face. I smiled and we got into the car.

I drove back, Cat sat in the front with me, Phil sat in the back in the middle with Elsie on the right and Dan on the left. Halfway back I started to feel tired and so I swapped with Phil, when I got into the back Dan put his arm around my shoulders and I snuggled into his shoulder. Fast car came on the radio and I faintly heard Dan mumbling the words. I would've joined in but I was too far gone.

When we got home Dan picked me up bridal style and carried me into our room. I felt him slide my jeans off and put me under the covers. After a few minutes I felt him slide in next to me. He pulled me to his chest.

"I love you Jess. So much." He whispered. I smiled and hugged him tighter. He kissed my forehead and I fell asleep. Feeling safe for the first time in months. Safe with Dan. 5ever.

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