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After an hour of solitude there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." I called.

In came Jim, Tanya and perched on Jim's hip was Elsie. They would've made such a great family, great parents.

"Hey Jess." Jim said as they walked over to us.

"Hey." I said back.

"Mummy." Elsie said

"Yes Elsie?" I asked

"Is that my baby brother?"

"Yes. His name is Joseph. You can call him Joe if you want." She smiled. "Do you want to hold him?"

She nodded. I passed Joseph to Dan and took Elsie from Jim. I propped my bed up so we were nearly sitting and Dan placed Joseph on Elsie's lap. Elsie cradled him as Dan supported his head. Then I saw a flash.

"Jimbob, you could've told me you were taking a picture. I look a mess." I stated.

"You look fine Jess." Dan told me. I smiled at him.

"Okay Elsie?"

"Yeah." She answered. Dan took Joseph back and Elsie jumped down. I put my bed back to the way it was before and Dan gave Joseph to me. Jim held Joseph's little hand when he lifted it towards my face.

"That's your uncle Jim Joe." I told Joseph. "And that is your aunt Tanya. They are the best family I could wish for."

Then I saw Elsie running around the room. "Careful Elsie." Dan told her and she slowed down.

"And that crazy one is your older sister. She's called Elsie."

Then the door opened again and Zoe, Alfie, Liam, Phil, Cat and Madeline walked in.

"Hey guys." I greeted.

Zoe walked up to me quickly and hugged me gently. "This Joseph?" She asked.

"No Zoe, I stole a baby."

"Oi, sarcasm is the lowest form of wit."

"You can talk."

"Shut up." She fussed over Joseph and so did everyone else at different times so as not to disturb him.

"That mad hatter is called Zoe and she is your Godmother." I told Joseph. "And that one who's holding her hand is Alfie, he's Zoe's Fiancé (did I mention that they got engaged?). That gorgeous woman with short brown hair is Cat and that emo standing next to her is Phil. Phil is your Godfather. And the little girl with ginger hair running round with your sister is Madeline. She's Cat and Phil's baby. And that little boy is Alfie and Zoe's baby, he's called Liam."

"Jess, can I vlogg?" Jim asked.

"Of course."

He pulled out his camera and grabbed Tanya. They went to a corner of the room and talked to the camera.

"I can't believe we made that. We made him." Dan whispered to me.

"I can't believe he's finally here. There will always be a bit of you in the world now Dan." I whispered back.

"Hey, I'll always be here."

"But one day we will all die Dan."

"Hey, no existential crises today Jess."

I sighed and shook my head.

"Guess in the comments where we are and/or who is here." Jim said, walking towards Dan and I, his hand over the camera lens. "3, 2, 1." Then he pointed the camera towards us.

"If you got it you win for life." Phil stated. I laughed and waved Jim over. He vlogged Joseph and Elsie decided to attack him. Then I saw Zoe and Alfie vlogging and got them to vlog Joseph. Everyone left at 7 because visiting hours were up. When everyone left I fed Joseph and then put him in his cot. He yawned when his head hit the bed.

"Tiering day little man?" I asked, holding his small hand and memorising all his little features. "Wait till you get home, Elsie will wear you out."

I waited until he was asleep to go back to bed. When I did I made sure the cot was as close to me as possible and grabbed my phone.

Dan ❤️:
Hey Jess. I love you. Elsie is in bed now, fell asleep as soon as we got home.

I smiled at the picture of Elsie sleeping in our bed that Dan sent me. I was going to reply but I was to tired so I just slept, savouring every second of peace I could get.

Calm before the storm.

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