39~Upside down

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"Mrs Howell?" The woman on the other side of the phone said. I had fallen to the floor in a heap while Anna got Joseph.

"Yes, I'm coming now. I will be 20 minutes tops." I told her. The phone went silent and I sobbed into my knees. Anna helped me up and supported me into the car. We raced to the hospital and ran through the doors.

"Daniel Howell." I croaked at the receptionist.

"Relationship?" She asked

"Wife, I'm his wife."

"Mrs Howell please go to the relatives room and Daniel's doctor will be with you shortly to talk things through."

Anna, Joseph and I went to the relatives room and as soon as we sat down Joseph played with the toys. I cried into Anna's shoulder and she hugged me. She was the closest person to me that I had left.

There had been a car crash about 1 hour after I had left Waitrose. Jim, Tanya, Cat, Phil, Zoe, Alfie and Dan were involved in it.

Tanya was in an induced coma with slight brain damage that could cause memory loss, although if she wakes up she should get it back in time. Jim was on life support, having shielded Tanya from most of the impact. Always the gentleman. Cat had a broken leg and had to have help to breathe. Phil was also in an induced coma with a broken arm, a broken leg and possible brain damage. Zoe had had an internal bleed, although that had been stopped quickly, and was on life support. She also had a fractured leg. Alfie had to have CPR at the scene, he lost a lot of blood, had a broken arm that was wrapped around Zoe, was in a coma and had a possibility of brain damage. The driver of the car that caused it was drunk and got off easily with a dislocated arm and a broken leg. I wasn't told about Dan's condition.

I fell asleep on Anna and then I heard my name.

"Jessie Howell." The doctor called. I got up and followed her out of the room. She led me to a different room and poured me some water. She sat down and I sat opposite her.

"I'm sure you know about the accident and I will not make you think about it again if you do not wish me to." She stated.

I nodded, holding the hem of my top like it would help. Like that was going to make it any better.

"Daniel-" she started.

"Dan. His name is Dan." I interrupted.

She smiled at me sweetly "Okay. Dan was in a car crash earlier this afternoon with 6 other people."

"I know. What is wrong with him?"

"Dan suffered with a large bleed in the right side of his head during the crash. He lost a lot of blood and so we had no other choice than to put him onto life support. We also put him into a coma because of this reason. Now Jessie, please stop me if it gets too much okay."

I nodded "I will and it's Jess."

"Okay Jess. Dan has broken both his legs and has a punctured lung. Now these should heal on their own. But the mental aspects are more threatening to him. He may become confused when he wakes up, he might have amnesia, he could have a whole manner of mental and physical problems that we will not be able to diagnose until he has woken up. The best thing to do right now is to go home and prepare for the worst. I know that you probably feel like the world is against you at the moment, but remember this you have Anna, you have your children, you still have youtube. You have stuff to live for, some people don't even have half of the support you have."

"Thank you." I stood up and left. I got Anna and grabbed Joseph's hand. We went into the car and I smiled, trying to put a brave face on for Joseph more than anyone else, however I was breaking inside. I just want my friends and family back.

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