10~Back again

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When I was discharged from hospital Jim picked me up. I guess I'm back to living on his couch and going to the gym. He hugged me and the car ride was basically silent apart from the radio that the taxi driver had on. Take me to church came on and I just thought about Dan. I mean we hadn't technically broken up but he obviously doesn't want me round him.

"Jim." I asked

"Mhh" He answered, looking up from his phone.

"When we get back can I... invite Dan over." He looked shocked "I just, I need to sort stuff out with him as soon as possible."

Jim nodded, "have you seen his twitter?"


"Well, you might want to." I looked at it and on the top was a picture of a little boy on a bed (A/N the picture of the little boy attached) He looked like the kid Dan described to me, his son. Bellow that was a Tweet:

Really missing @Amazingphil and @Jessisprobablyjoking and my gorgeous daughter. Love you guys.

I got my phone out and replied to him:

Funny way of showing it @danisnotonfire

 @Jessisprobablyjoking I know.

@Danisnotonfire, can you come to Jim's asap please. BTW kid is cute.

Then i closed twitter.

~1 hour later~

Jim and I were eating lunch when there was a knock at the door. I answered it.

"Hey." Dan. I didn't know what to say now that he was here.

"Hi." I said back "Lets sort this out."

"Lets." We went into the living room and Jim went into his bedroom to give us space.

"Dan, I love you, you know that. But I feel that I should let you go."

"Jess, please don't let me go, please."

"Dan, you have 2 kids and one on the way. What I want to know is why. Why did you cheat on me with Kate? Why did you do it Dan?"

"I don't know, I just, I don't know."

"Come on Dan, you always have an answer."

"Yes, I do, but this time I have something I can lose Jess." I couldn't help but smile.

"Dan, you will never lose me, but I don't know if we can carry on like this."

"What do you mean?"

"This, this isn't a relationship. This is just unfaithful and dishonest Dan. I don't think this is working."

"Jess, we can make it work, please."

"You have a kid you never told me about."

"I know, and I'm so sorry about that. I just didn't want you to freak out."

"Well I'm more annoyed that you didn't tell me. It makes me wonder what other stuff you've been keeping from me."

"Nothing Jess." I knew from his face that he was lying.

"What are you keeping from me Dan?"

He sighed "Richard has been sending death frets to the house and our PO boxes and our social media accounts."

"What?" I felt sick. "I'm gonna throw up." Dan ran to the kitchen and grabbed a sick bowl and I was sick into it. Anxiety was kicking in. I hadn't had a panic attack for years.


"Dan, I-I-I" I started to hyperventilate and then I fainted.

I woke up to darkness. I was on Jim and Tan's bed. I stretched and heard voices in the other room. I got up and walked towards the room. I just knocked and went in. I saw Jim and Dan on the couch. They looked at me and I sat next to Dan. I put my head on his shoulder and he looked surprised. Then I realized that I was supposed to be annoyed with him, but I was comfortable so I didn't' move. Then I realized that I had to forgive him. Last chance though.

"I need you." I said simply. Dan then put his arm around my shoulders and kissed my forehead.

"I love you." Dan whispered in my ear and I kissed him.

"I love you too."I told him braking away.

~2 hours later~

We went back home after a little bit and when we got to the door Dan picked me up bridal style and carried me up the stairs. He kicked the doors open and put me on our bed. Dan went into the kitchen and came back in with two boxes of malteasers.

"Only two Howell?" I asked

"We don't want to get addicted now do we." He answered

"We already are."

We just sat together on the bed talking. Dan lent over and kissed me and then things well they escalated quite quickly.

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