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Everything went in slow motion like when Phil... but it felt like time was passing normally and it took hours for us to run down the stairs when in reality it was seconds. When we got into Elsie's room she was lying on her side, looking at the door her eyes wide. Why didn't she call us? It's all my fault. If I wasn't so preoccupied with Kate this would never have happened. Then I realized that I was on the floor next to her still body, holding her arm that was hanging out of the bars of the cot. Dan put his hand on my back. I guessed that he had phoned an ambulance, he wasn't irresponsible. Then the doorbell rang. Dan ran to the door and moments later Jim, Tan and Dan came running into the room.

"Oh my God." Tanya said. "I can't" She ran out but no-one followed her. I looked back at Elsie and stroked her gorgeous hair. I heard Dan and Jim talking in the background but I couldn't tune into what they said. They both walked out and shut the door behind them, I picked Elsie's limp body out of the cot and hugged her. Then I heard shouts and sirens. This can't be real. A shooting pain was in my stomach, I fell to the floor and then it all went black.

Dan's POV

When Jim and Tan arrived I took them straight upstairs without more than a hello. When we walked into Elsie's room we saw Jess still holding Elsie's hand like it would help her. It didn't of course.

Then Tan looked like she was going to be sick "Oh my God." She said slowly "I can't." She ran out but none of us followed her. Jess went back to looking at Elsie and I started to talk to Jim.

"How did it happen?" Jim asked

"I-I I don't know." I answered

"Not at all?"

"No, we just heard the heart monitor stop."

"Have you called an ambulance?"

"Of course Jim. I'm not stupid."

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. It's just the shock might have taken control."

"Well it didn't."

"Shall we go outside?"

"Okay." We closed the door behind us and sat on the stairs opposite the room.

"So, what's up with you Dan?"


"Something is up Dan."

"Well how about my best friend is in a comma, my daughter is probably dead, my girlfriend will never want to marry me now and Richard has been sending Jess death threats." 

"What? Does she know about them?"

"No." Richard had been posting notes to our house, Jess' PO box, her phone and her social media.I deleted the social  media messages on her sites, I got rid of all the texts-taking pictures of them on my phone for evidence- and storing the notes under Phil's bed (Phil knew about them too).

"How long has this been happening for?"

"Since Elsie was born."

"You could've told someone Dan."

"I didn't want to and Phil knew anyway, but they have been getting worse."

"And you couldn't tell Phil so what? You went to alcohol?"

"No." I said, making sure not to sound drunk.

"Dan, you hold it together well with speech but you stink of booze."

"I didn't do it Jim."


"I didn't hurt her."

"I didn't say you did Dan."

"But you were thinking it."

"No I wasn't, Dan you're my mate."

He was right. Why are you acting like this? Because of what happened. No stop thinking about that.

"Sorry Jim."

"It's okay mate. I'm here for you no matter what, well unless you hurt my sister or family but you'd never do that."

Oh if only he knew.

My train of thought was stopped by sirens and a knock on the door. Jim got up and answered the door. I went to Elsie's room and as I opened the door I heard a thump. I saw Jess on the floor, her brown hair spewed around the floor, her eyes wide open, Elsie placed on the floor next to her. I can't lose Phil, Elsie and Jess. I can't loose them all.

"JIM!" I shouted. Jim came running in and froze when he got to the door. About 4 ambulance people came in and it was all really a blur from there. All I remember is Jim and I going into the ambulance with Jess and Elsie and getting taken to the relatives room. I didn't even remember my friends coming in. I only remember the doctor. Jim went out because I was too drunk and shocked to form a sentence properly.

Jim's POV

Tanya was laying on my lap and her hair was in a neat side plait. Her vlogging camera was tied onto her arm and her make up was smeared from when she had been crying. She was still so beautiful though. Then the doctor came in.

"Family of Jessie Chapman?" She asked

"Jim." Dan said, looking to me.

"Are you sure?" I asked. He did want to marry Jess after all.

Dan nodded. I slid Tan's head onto my chair as I got up and put my coat over he shoulders. I walked out of the room with the doctor.

"Relation?" She asked. She had deep blue eyes and blonde hair. She was quite tall, but not taller than me. Probably about 5'5.

"Brother." I said slowly so she defiantly heard me.

"Okay, so John Chapman?"

"No, Jim."

"Okay. Jimmm. There isn't a Jim here..."

"Oh sorry, James Chapman." I suddenly remembered that she wouldn't have my nickname.

"Ah okay. So Jim, Jess was pregnant as you probably know..."

"Wait, was?"

"Yes, that was what I wanted to tell you. She suffered a miscarriage shortly after she arrived here."

I fell to the floor and sobbed. My sister. What if Elsie is dead? Then she's lost two children in one day and Dan well he will blame himself.

"Elsie." I stuttered, getting up "My niece, how is she?"

"Elsie. Elsie Chapman?" The doctor asked.

"No, Elsie Howell." I saw a glimmer of sadness in her eyes before they went back to a neutral expression. "She isn't... dead is she?"

"No, she isn't, but she could be. We don't really know."


"What about Elsie?" Dan asked walking through the door.

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